etherdump ========= Tool to publish [etherpad]( pages to (archival) HTML. Requirements ------------- Python (2.7) with: * html5lib * jinja2 Installation ------------- pip install html5lib jinja2 python install Padinfo file ------------- All pad-specific settings are loaded from a file called "padinfo.json" -- by default etherdump looks in the current directory. Make a copy of padinfo.sample.json to start one. Make sure to check that the URL and port settings are correct, and to paste the correct apikey here! cp padinfo.sample.json ~/yourfolder/padinfo.json nano padinfo.json And then for instance: etherdump list subcommands ---------- * dump (the default) * list * listauthors * text * diffhtml * revisionscount To get help on a subcommand: etherdump revisionscount --help