#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function from html5lib import parse import os, sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET def etree_indent(elem, level=0): i = "\n" + level*" " if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + " " if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: etree_indent(elem, level+1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i def get_link_type (url): lurl = url.lower() if lurl.endswith(".html") or lurl.endswith(".htm"): return "text/html" elif lurl.endswith(".txt"): return "text/plain" elif lurl.endswith(".rss"): return "application/rss+xml" elif lurl.endswith(".atom"): return "application/atom+xml" elif lurl.endswith(".json"): return "application/json" elif lurl.endswith(".js") or lurl.endswith(".jsonp"): return "text/javascript" def pluralize (x): if type(x) == list or type(x) == tuple: return x else: return (x,) def html5tidy (doc, charset="utf-8", title=None, scripts=None, links=None, indent=False): if scripts: script_srcs = [x.attrib.get("src") for x in doc.findall(".//script")] for src in pluralize(scripts): if src not in script_srcs: script = ET.SubElement(doc.find(".//head"), "script", src=src) script_srcs.append(src) if links: existinglinks = {} for elt in doc.findall(".//link"): href = elt.attrib.get("href") if href: existinglinks[href] = elt for link in links: linktype = link.get("type") or get_link_type(link["href"]) if link["href"] in existinglinks: elt = existinglinks[link["href"]] elt.attrib["rel"] = link["rel"] else: elt = ET.SubElement(doc.find(".//head"), "link", href=link["href"], rel=link["rel"]) if linktype: elt.attrib["type"] = linktype if "title" in link: elt.attrib["title"] = link["title"] if charset: meta_charsets = [x.attrib.get("charset") for x in doc.findall(".//meta") if x.attrib.get("charset") != None] if not meta_charsets: meta = ET.SubElement(doc.find(".//head"), "meta", charset=charset) if title != None: titleelt = doc.find(".//title") if not titleelt: titleelt = ET.SubElement(doc.find(".//head"), "title") titleelt.text = title if indent: etree_indent(doc) return doc if __name__ == "__main__": p = ArgumentParser("") p.add_argument("input", nargs="?", default=None) p.add_argument("--indent", default=False, action="store_true") p.add_argument("--mogrify", default=False, action="store_true", help="modify file in place") p.add_argument("--method", default="html", help="method, default: html, values: html, xml, text") p.add_argument("--output", default=None, help="") p.add_argument("--title", default=None, help="ensure/add title tag in head") p.add_argument("--charset", default="utf-8", help="ensure/add meta tag with charset") p.add_argument("--script", action="append", default=[], help="ensure/add script tag") # s, see https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#links p.add_argument("--stylesheet", action="append", default=[], help="ensure/add style link") p.add_argument("--alternate", action="append", default=[], nargs="+", help="ensure/add alternate links (optionally followed by a title and type)") p.add_argument("--next", action="append", default=[], nargs="+", help="ensure/add alternate link") p.add_argument("--prev", action="append", default=[], nargs="+", help="ensure/add alternate link") p.add_argument("--search", action="append", default=[], nargs="+", help="ensure/add search link") p.add_argument("--rss", action="append", default=[], nargs="+", help="ensure/add alternate link of type application/rss+xml") p.add_argument("--atom", action="append", default=[], nargs="+", help="ensure/add alternate link of type application/atom+xml") args = p.parse_args() links = [] def add_links (links, items, rel, _type=None): for href in items: d = {} d["rel"] = rel if _type: d["type"] = _type if type(href) == list: if len(href) == 1: d["href"] = href[0] elif len(href) == 2: d["href"] = href[0] d["title"] = href[1] elif len(href) == 3: d["href"] = href[0] d["title"] = href[1] d["type"] = href[2] else: continue else: d["href"] = href links.append(d) for rel in ("stylesheet", "alternate", "next", "prev", "search"): add_links(links, getattr(args, rel), rel) for item in args.rss: add_links(links, item, rel="alternate", _type="application/rss+xml") for item in args.atom: add_links(links, item, rel="alternate", _type="application/atom+xml") # INPUT if args.input: fin = open(args.input) else: fin = sys.stdin doc = parse(fin, namespaceHTMLElements=False) if fin != sys.stdin: fin.close() html5tidy(doc, scripts=args.script, links=links, title=args.title, indent=args.indent) # OUTPUT tmppath = None if args.output: fout = open(args.output, "w") elif args.mogrify: tmppath = args.input+".tmp" fout = open(tmppath, "w") else: fout = sys.stdout print (ET.tostring(doc, method=args.method), file=fout) if fout != sys.stdout: fout.close() if tmppath: os.rename(args.input, args.input+"~") os.rename(tmppath, args.input)