# This will pump all the pads with a __PUBLISH__ tag into a folder "publish" as meta.json, txt, html and dhtml etherpump pull --meta --html --text --publish-opt-in --publish __PUBLISH__ --pub publish --css ../stylesheet.css --fix-names echo "Making the Etherpump index now ..." # This will make an index for the dump etherpump index input \ publish/*.meta.json \ --templatepath templates \ --title "Notes, __MAGICWORDS__, readers & more ..." \ --output index.html # tmp #rm -r ../publish/ #mv publish ../ #mv index.html ../ echo "Done!" # This will save a pad.css file every hour from the pad https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/pad.css # cp publish/pad.css /srv/etherpad-lite/src/altetherpad/src/static/skins/no-skin/pad.css