"""Update meta data files for those that have changed""" import os from argparse import ArgumentParser from urllib.parse import urlencode from .common import * # noqa """ status (meta): Update meta data files for those that have changed. Check for changed pads by looking at revisions & comparing to existing design decisions... ok based on the fact that only the txt file is pushable (via setText) it makes sense to give this file "primacy" ... ie to put the other forms (html, diff.html) in a special place (if created at all). Otherwise this complicates the "syncing" idea.... """ class PadItemException(Exception): pass class PadItem: def __init__(self, padid=None, path=None, padexists=False): self.padexists = padexists if padid and path: raise PadItemException("only give padid or path") if not (padid or path): raise PadItemException("either padid or path must be specified") if padid: self.padid = padid self.path = padpath(padid, group_path="g") else: self.path = path self.padid = padpath2id(path) @property def status(self): if self.fileexists: if self.padexists: return "S" else: return "F" elif self.padexists: return "P" else: return "?" @property def fileexists(self): return os.path.exists(self.path) def ignore_p(path, settings=None): if path.startswith("."): return True def main(args): p = ArgumentParser( "Check for pads that have changed since last sync (according to .meta.json)" ) # p.add_argument("padid", nargs="*", default=[]) p.add_argument( "--padinfo", default=".etherpump/settings.json", help="settings, default: .etherdump/settings.json", ) p.add_argument( "--zerorevs", default=False, action="store_true", help="include pads with zero revisions, default: False (i.e. pads with no revisions are skipped)", ) p.add_argument( "--pub", default=".", help="folder to store files for public pads, default: pub", ) p.add_argument( "--group", default="g", help="folder to store files for group pads, default: g", ) p.add_argument( "--skip", default=None, type=int, help="skip this many items, default: None", ) p.add_argument( "--meta", default=False, action="store_true", help="download meta to PADID.meta.json, default: False", ) p.add_argument( "--text", default=False, action="store_true", help="download text to PADID.txt, default: False", ) p.add_argument( "--html", default=False, action="store_true", help="download html to PADID.html, default: False", ) p.add_argument( "--dhtml", default=False, action="store_true", help="download dhtml to PADID.dhtml, default: False", ) p.add_argument( "--all", default=False, action="store_true", help="download all files (meta, text, html, dhtml), default: False", ) args = p.parse_args(args) info = loadpadinfo(args.padinfo) data = {} data['apikey'] = info['apikey'] padsbypath = {} # listAllPads padids = getjson(info['apiurl'] + 'listAllPads?' + urlencode(data))['data'][ 'padIDs' ] padids.sort() for padid in padids: pad = PadItem(padid=padid, padexists=True) padsbypath[pad.path] = pad files = os.listdir(args.pub) files = [x for x in files if not ignore_p(x)] files.sort() for p in files: pad = padsbypath.get(p) if not pad: pad = PadItem(path=p) padsbypath[pad.path] = pad pads = list(padsbypath.values()) pads.sort(key=lambda x: (x.status, x.padid)) curstat = None for p in pads: if p.status != curstat: curstat = p.status if curstat == "F": print("New/changed files") elif curstat == "P": print("New/changed pads") elif curstat == ".": print("Up to date") print(" ", p.status, p.padid)