"""Check for pads that have changed since last sync (according to .meta.json)""" import json import os import re import sys import time from argparse import ArgumentParser from datetime import datetime from fnmatch import fnmatch from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode from urllib.request import HTTPError from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import asks import html5lib import trio from etherpump.commands.common import * # noqa from etherpump.commands.html5tidy import html5tidy """ pull(meta): Update meta data files for those that have changed. Check for changed pads by looking at revisions & comparing to existing todo... use/prefer public interfaces ? (export functions) """ # Note(decentral1se): simple globals counting skipped, saved = 0, 0 async def try_deleting(files): for f in files: try: path = trio.Path(f) if os.path.exists(path): await path.rmdir() except Exception as exception: print("PANIC: {}".format(exception)) def build_argument_parser(args): parser = ArgumentParser( "Check for pads that have changed since last sync (according to .meta.json)" ) parser.add_argument("padid", nargs="*", default=[]) parser.add_argument( "--glob", default=False, help="download pads matching a glob pattern" ) parser.add_argument( "--padinfo", default=".etherpump/settings.json", help="settings, default: .etherpump/settings.json", ) parser.add_argument( "--zerorevs", default=False, action="store_true", help="include pads with zero revisions, default: False (i.e. pads with no revisions are skipped)", ) parser.add_argument( "--pub", default="p", help="folder to store files for public pads, default: p", ) parser.add_argument( "--group", default="g", help="folder to store files for group pads, default: g", ) parser.add_argument( "--skip", default=None, type=int, help="skip this many items, default: None", ) parser.add_argument( "--connection", default=200, type=int, help="number of connections to run concurrently", ) parser.add_argument( "--meta", default=False, action="store_true", help="download meta to PADID.meta.json, default: False", ) parser.add_argument( "--text", default=False, action="store_true", help="download text to PADID.txt, default: False", ) parser.add_argument( "--html", default=False, action="store_true", help="download html to PADID.html, default: False", ) parser.add_argument( "--dhtml", default=False, action="store_true", help="download dhtml to PADID.diff.html, default: False", ) parser.add_argument( "--all", default=False, action="store_true", help="download all files (meta, text, html, dhtml), default: False", ) parser.add_argument( "--folder", default=False, action="store_true", help="dump files in a folder named PADID (meta, text, html, dhtml), default: False", ) parser.add_argument( "--output", default=False, action="store_true", help="output changed padids on stdout", ) parser.add_argument( "--force", default=False, action="store_true", help="reload, even if revisions count matches previous", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-raw-ext", default=False, action="store_true", help="save plain text as padname with no (additional) extension", ) parser.add_argument( "--fix-names", default=False, action="store_true", help="normalize padid's (no spaces, special control chars) for use in file names", ) parser.add_argument( "--filter-ext", default=None, help="filter pads by extension" ) parser.add_argument( "--css", default="/styles.css", help="add css url to output pages, default: /styles.css", ) parser.add_argument( "--script", default="/versions.js", help="add script url to output pages, default: /versions.js", ) parser.add_argument( "--nopublish", default="__NOPUBLISH__", help="no publish magic word, default: __NOPUBLISH__", ) parser.add_argument( "--publish", default="__PUBLISH__", help="the publish magic word, default: __PUBLISH__", ) parser.add_argument( "--publish-opt-in", default=False, action="store_true", help="ensure `--publish` is honoured instead of `--nopublish`", ) return parser async def get_padids(args, info, data, session): if args.padid: padids = args.padid elif args.glob: url = info["localapiurl"] + "listAllPads?" + urlencode(data) padids = await agetjson(session, url) padids = padids["data"]["padIDs"] padids = [x for x in padids if fnmatch(x, args.glob)] else: url = info["localapiurl"] + "listAllPads?" + urlencode(data) padids = await agetjson(session, url) padids = padids["data"]["padIDs"] padids.sort() return padids async def handle_pad(args, padid, data, info, session): global skipped, saved raw_ext = ".raw.txt" if args.no_raw_ext: raw_ext = "" data["padID"] = padid p = padpath(padid, args.pub, args.group, args.fix_names) if args.folder: p = os.path.join(p, padid) metapath = p + ".meta.json" revisions = None tries = 1 skip = False padurlbase = re.sub(r"api/1.2.9/$", "p/", info["apiurl"]) meta = {} while True: try: if os.path.exists(metapath): async with await trio.open_file(metapath) as f: contents = await f.read() meta.update(json.loads(contents)) url = ( info["localapiurl"] + "getRevisionsCount?" + urlencode(data) ) response = await agetjson(session, url) revisions = response["data"]["revisions"] if meta["revisions"] == revisions and not args.force: skip = True reason = "No new revisions, we already have the latest local copy" break meta["padid"] = padid versions = meta["versions"] = [] versions.append( {"url": padurlbase + quote(padid), "type": "pad", "code": 200,} ) if revisions is None: url = ( info["localapiurl"] + "getRevisionsCount?" + urlencode(data) ) response = await agetjson(session, url) meta["revisions"] = response["data"]["revisions"] else: meta["revisions"] = revisions if (meta["revisions"] == 0) and (not args.zerorevs): skip = True reason = "0 revisions, this pad was never edited" break # todo: load more metadata! meta["group"], meta["pad"] = splitpadname(padid) meta["pathbase"] = p url = info["localapiurl"] + "getLastEdited?" + urlencode(data) response = await agetjson(session, url) meta["lastedited_raw"] = int(response["data"]["lastEdited"]) meta["lastedited_iso"] = datetime.fromtimestamp( int(meta["lastedited_raw"]) / 1000 ).isoformat() url = info["localapiurl"] + "listAuthorsOfPad?" + urlencode(data) response = await agetjson(session, url) meta["author_ids"] = response["data"]["authorIDs"] break except HTTPError as e: tries += 1 if tries > 3: print( "Too many failures ({0}), skipping".format(padid), file=sys.stderr, ) skip = True reason = "PANIC, couldn't download the pad contents" break else: await trio.sleep(1) except TypeError as e: print( "Type Error loading pad {0} (phantom pad?), skipping".format( padid ), file=sys.stderr, ) skip = True reason = "PANIC, couldn't download the pad contents" break # Note(decentral1se): cannot track this bug down but basically the `data` # and `padid` are getting out of sync and it is ending up that the same pad # over and over again is downloaded. This resets things in a way that it # works. This is a hack and one day TM I will find out how to fix it proper data["padID"] = padid if skip: print("[ ] {} (skipped, reason: {})".format(padid, reason)) skipped += 1 return if args.output: print(padid) if args.all or (args.meta or args.text or args.html or args.dhtml): try: path = trio.Path(os.path.split(metapath)[0]) if not os.path.exists(path): await path.mkdir() except OSError: # Note(decentral1se): the path already exists pass if args.all or args.text: url = info["localapiurl"] + "getText?" + urlencode(data) text = await agetjson(session, url) ver = {"type": "text"} versions.append(ver) ver["code"] = text["_code"] if text["_code"] == 200: text = text["data"]["text"] ########################################## ## ENFORCE __NOPUBLISH__ MAGIC WORD ########################################## if args.nopublish in text: await try_deleting( ( p + raw_ext, p + ".raw.html", p + ".diff.html", p + ".meta.json", ) ) print( "[ ] {} (deleted, reason: explicit __NOPUBLISH__)".format( padid ) ) skipped += 1 return False ########################################## ## ENFORCE __PUBLISH__ MAGIC WORD ########################################## if args.publish_opt_in and args.publish not in text: await try_deleting( ( p + raw_ext, p + ".raw.html", p + ".diff.html", p + ".meta.json", ) ) print("[ ] {} (deleted, reason: publish opt-out)".format(padid)) skipped += 1 return False ver["path"] = p + raw_ext ver["url"] = quote(ver["path"]) async with await trio.open_file(ver["path"], "w") as f: try: # Note(decentral1se): unicode handling... safe_text = text.encode("utf-8", "replace").decode() await f.write(safe_text) except Exception as exception: print("PANIC: {}".format(exception)) # once the content is settled, compute a hash # and link it in the metadata! links = [] if args.css: links.append({"href": args.css, "rel": "stylesheet"}) # todo, make this process reflect which files actually were made versionbaseurl = quote(padid) links.append( { "href": versions[0]["url"], "rel": "alternate", "type": "text/html", "title": "Etherpad", } ) if args.all or args.text: links.append( { "href": versionbaseurl + raw_ext, "rel": "alternate", "type": "text/plain", "title": "Plain text", } ) if args.all or args.html: links.append( { "href": versionbaseurl + ".raw.html", "rel": "alternate", "type": "text/html", "title": "HTML", } ) if args.all or args.dhtml: links.append( { "href": versionbaseurl + ".diff.html", "rel": "alternate", "type": "text/html", "title": "HTML with author colors", } ) if args.all or args.meta: links.append( { "href": versionbaseurl + ".meta.json", "rel": "alternate", "type": "application/json", "title": "Meta data", } ) if args.all or args.dhtml: data["startRev"] = "0" url = info["localapiurl"] + "createDiffHTML?" + urlencode(data) html = await agetjson(session, url) ver = {"type": "diffhtml"} versions.append(ver) ver["code"] = html["_code"] if html["_code"] == 200: try: html = html["data"]["html"] ver["path"] = p + ".diff.html" ver["url"] = quote(ver["path"]) doc = html5lib.parse( html, treebuilder="etree", namespaceHTMLElements=False ) html5tidy( doc, indent=True, title=padid, scripts=args.script, links=links, ) async with await trio.open_file(ver["path"], "w") as f: output = ET.tostring(doc, method="html", encoding="unicode") await f.write(output) except TypeError: ver["message"] = html["message"] # Process text, html, dhtml, all options if args.all or args.html: # mb: line causing the error of not writing the correct HTML content to the correct HTML file: # url = info["localapiurl"] + "getHTML?" + urlencode(data) # mb: warning, HACK! Catching the error by writing the API request url manually ... url = info["localapiurl"] + "getHTML?" + "padID=" + padid + "&" + 'apikey=' + data["apikey"] + '&startRev=0' # print(url) html = await agetjson(session, url) ver = {"type": "html"} versions.append(ver) # mb: warning, HACK! Added a Try and Except here, as it sometimes bumped into an error, stopping the pull. try: ver["code"] = html["_code"] if html["_code"] == 200: try: html = html["data"]["html"] ver["path"] = p + ".raw.html" ver["url"] = quote(ver["path"]) doc = html5lib.parse( html, treebuilder="etree", namespaceHTMLElements=False ) html5tidy( doc, indent=True, title=padid, scripts=args.script, links=links, ) async with await trio.open_file(ver["path"], "w") as f: output = ET.tostring(doc, method="html", encoding="unicode") await f.write(output) except TypeError: ver["message"] = html["message"] except Exception as exception: print("PANIC: {}".format(exception)) # output meta if args.all or args.meta: ver = {"type": "meta"} versions.append(ver) ver["path"] = metapath ver["url"] = quote(metapath) async with await trio.open_file(metapath, "w") as f: await f.write(json.dumps(meta)) print("[x] {} (saved)".format(padid)) saved += 1 return async def handle_pads(args): global skipped, saved session = asks.Session(connections=args.connection) info = loadpadinfo(args.padinfo) data = {"apikey": info["apikey"]} padids = await get_padids(args, info, data, session) if args.skip: padids = padids[args.skip : len(padids)] print("=" * 79) print("Etherpump is warming up the engines ...") print("=" * 79) start = time.time() async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: for padid in padids: nursery.start_soon(handle_pad, args, padid, data, info, session) end = time.time() timeit = round(end - start, 2) print("=" * 79) print( "Processed {} :: Skipped {} :: Saved {} :: Time {}s".format( len(padids), skipped, saved, timeit ) ) print("=" * 79) def main(args): p = build_argument_parser(args) args = p.parse_args(args) trio.run(handle_pads, args)