Welcome to the Member Meeting Pads

main member meeting pad: https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/wg.membermeeting

17 January: https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/member-meeting
4 April: https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/wg.membermeeting1
2 Mei: https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/wg.membermeeting2
6 Juni: https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/wg.membermeeting3

MEETING Wednesday April 4th, from 19:30 sharp.
Topics to discuss:

write a short "what does it mean to be a Varia member" text together, that can be shared with people that have an interest in becoming a member


Open calls:



- THE KEYS: 4x  (jojo, cricri, sisi (silvio), juju)
- Manetta and Roel have built The website.
- Jojo is not installed yet (calendar)
How is the calendar used? > use of the facility or write down that you're sticking around so people come to meet. Or to make sure people don't come (like when josef and niek build their planetarium)
- We are an association officially with a tax number at the Kamer voor kopehandel
- What does it mean to be an official association?

Common fund: 
The zwarte kas : it doesn't exist in the system but we can assimilate eventually

Dennis is leaving for half a year, if someone wants to fill the hole they can email the board
(between July & January)
Deadline for applications : June for the paperwork
What does it mean?
-is varia place to try things out?
-how professional is it?

extra/newmembers, what is the process?
-Struggling in terms of growth.
-PZI students wish to join? Max is a member, he fixed the riso and the HP plotter haha =D what a guy
-keeping it lively
-would it be nice to use varia to also professionalise your own practice+varia?

beroepsvereniging > you can be a member if you have the same job
For example: BNO, Beroepsorganisatie Nederlandse Ontwerpers

Possible condition: having a practice, not just an interest
There could be too many members (communication, votes, meetings...)
Or a group could be too one-sided, thinking for example of the link of Piet Zwart
The responsibility to enable a way to study within Varia while/as being a student ... 
In a way the PZ already provides a space to meet, work, gather

 I  d  e  a   o f   a s k i n g   f o r   a   ' p r o p o s a l ' ,   
 ask what the person would like to do in Varia, and have a discussion about if to see if it would work and fit

In terms of how it's functioning for now :
It's really events based for now, it's nice but
A lot of things are board initiated, maybe the keys could change that(?)

"how what do you want to think this space is?" what do you want to do?

Reasons for refusing (for now) :
- we are not sure whether they really know what varia is about
- we are not sure either, still experiment (hopefully for ever :p?)
- network of "trust" (keys, shared funds, with responsability comes great power and so on)

Work groups : it's on now!
wg.library > started 12 April in the evening
riso group > on and off but rolling
homebrewserver.club > networking basics
workgroup synthesizer > danny, dennis, build 100euro modular synth, give workshop(s)
wg.web > needs a next day : 11 & 18 april
wg.admin > care group

Demo evening as a supplement to the things that are developed in the different groups