Pumping pads as files into publishing frameworks!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

15 lines
973 B

from etherpump.commands.creatediffhtml import main as creatediffhtml # noqa
from etherpump.commands.deletepad import main as deletepad # noqa
from etherpump.commands.dumpcsv import main as dumpcsv # noqa
from etherpump.commands.gethtml import main as gethtml # noqa
from etherpump.commands.gettext import main as gettext # noqa
from etherpump.commands.index import main as index # noqa
from etherpump.commands.init import main as init # noqa
from etherpump.commands.list import main as list # noqa
from etherpump.commands.listauthors import main as listauthors # noqa
from etherpump.commands.publication import main as publication # noqa
from etherpump.commands.pull import main as pull # noqa
from etherpump.commands.revisionscount import main as revisionscount # noqa
from etherpump.commands.sethtml import main as sethtml # noqa
from etherpump.commands.settext import main as settext # noqa
from etherpump.commands.showmeta import main as showmeta # noqa