소스 검색

added info for when behind a NAT

rra 4 년 전
  1. 18


@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ To make your server communicate make sure following ports are open in your firew
3478 (TURN)
5349 (TURN + TLS)
49152-65535 (UDP endpoints for clients)
49152-65535 (UDP endpoints for clients)
Set up Coturn
First install Coturn
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install coturn
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install coturn
After installing first make a backup of the existing configuration:
@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ The file looks like this:
# Your external IP, needed for some connections
# Your machine's IP addres
# This is either the external IP or, in the case you are behind a NAT, the IP of the machine in the NAT
listening-ip=CUSTOMIZE THIS
# Your domain name
@ -92,10 +93,15 @@ The file looks like this:
Now time for some config. You need to edit `/etc/tunserver.conf` in a few places.
First, add your external IP-address to `listening-ip`. If you don't know it, you can find out using the following command:
First, add your servers' IP-address to `listening-ip`.
In case you are behind a NAT, for example when you are hosting from home and are [making use of port forwarding]({filename}../fundamentals/port_forwarding.md) this will be a local IP adress. If your machine is directly exposed to the internet, that is the external IP-addres.
If you don't know it, you can find out using the following command:
$ curl https://ifconfig.co
$ ip --oneline addr show primary | grep -E '(en|eth)'
After that make sure `realm` points to the domain name of the server.

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