Title: Demystifying SSH Date: 2019-06-17 Tags: ssh Slug: demystifying-ssh Description: Understanding, using and troubleshooting SSH for fun and not-for-profit Author: hbsc & friends Status: draft ## Introduction ## Requirements ## How does SSH help us? ## All the moving parts ## Getting SSH access ## Giving SSH access ## Things people say when they understand SSH ### Do you have SSH installed? ### Can you send me your SSH public key? ### Can you give me SSH access to the server? ### Are you able to SSH in? ### What's in your SSH config? ## Troubleshooting SSH ### Remember the moving parts ### On the server #### Public key #### Permissions #### SSH server is running #### SSH server configuration ### On the client #### Permissions #### Is your public key there? #### Is the server up? #### Config check #### What does the agent say? ### Other scenarios #### Git ## Further Reading