Title: about Date: 2017-04-09 Category: about Slug: about lang: en # initiative *varia* is a Rotterdam based initiative focused on working with, about and through technology. At its core the initiative aims to be a social infrastructure from which to collaboratively facillitate critical understandings on the technologies that surround us. The initiative is a membership-based organisation striving to become a space for questions, opinions, modifications, help and action. # space Gouwstraat 3
3082 BA, Rotterdam ![floorplan of the space](/images/varia.jpg) # contact mail: info@varia.zone subscribe to mailinglist: [varia@we.lurk.org](https://we.lurk.org/hyperkitty/list/varia@we.lurk.org/) # resources * [Rotterdam Electronica Depot](/red-en.html) - a communal depot for electronic parts and workbench * Printing facilities ## online resources *varia* hosts [git repositories](https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/), [books](https://books.vvvvvvaria.org/)(accessible w/o login in Varia itself), [etherpad](https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/) and a [calender](https://cal.vvvvvvaria.org/). ###XMPP In addition to the above web services *varia* hosts a server for the federated chat protocol XMPP, supporting all the latest features. IM observatory score ###RSS Subscribe to our RSS feeds, available in [Dutch](http://varia.zone/feeds/all-nl.rss.xml) and [English](http://varia.zone/en/feeds/all-en.rss.xml). [Valid RSS]