--- Title: Dysfluent Issue 2 Magazine Launch Author: Varia Date: 2023-11-21 Category: event Tags: event, launch Slug: dysfluent-magazine-launch lang: en event_start: 2023-10-21 18:00 event_duration: 3h featured_image: /images/DYS2-launch.png summary: The launch of Dysfluent Issue 2, a magazine about people who stammer. --- “The prouder I get, the more change happens.” Dysfluent is a magazine about people who stammer. It explores the lived experience of stammering through interviews and essays, facilitating contrasting and challenging views. Stammering pride has emerged as a compelling movement in the cause for self-affirmation, dignity and equality for people who stammer. But what does it mean to be proud of something you associate with struggle and pain? Dysfluent Issue 2 is a 110+ page compilation of interviews and visual artwork celebrating and challenging stammering pride. This event will be a blend of a magazine launch, art exhibition and a social gathering – with drinks and snacks, of course. Copies of the magazine and risograph posters will be available for purchase too. RSVP: This is a free event but please confirm attendance by registering on [Eventbrite](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dysfluent-issue-2-launch-tickets-698007979657?aff=oddtdtcreator). **Time**: 18:00 - 21:00 **Date**: Saturday 21 October 2023 (the day before International Stammering Awareness Day ✨) **Location**: Varia, Gouwstraat 3, 3082 BA