Title: Varia Curriculum: In The Beginning ... There Was The Word
Date: 2018-10-18
Category: curriculum
tags: interfacing
slug: curriculum-command-lines
lang: en
Event_start: 2018-10-18 10:00
event_duration: 8h
featured_image: /images/curriculum.command-lines.png
status: draft
## On text, encodings and command lines.
The command line is a textual interface for the computer, rather than being an 'old fashioned' interface it is a completely different methodological approach to computing. Instead of large visual programs aimed at being 'professional tools', command line tools follow the philosophy of doing one thing and doing it well. These small programmes can be 'chained' together into pipelines capable of processing any type of data or text. These pipelines are a way of quickly producing unique and custom toolsets providing a wide range of creative opportunities.
In this workshop we will focus on command line tools in relation to plain text. During the day we will dive into the social-cultural history of the command line interface, explore the materiality of plain text on a computer, try a wide range of tools, and collectively write pipelines that produce small printed command line manuals.
* No prior knowledge of programming is required, but note taking skills are essential.
* Computer / Laptop is necessary.
# Varia curriculum
This workshop is organised in the context of the very first series of the Varia curriculum, developed in collaboration with the 3rd year minor "Hacking" of the Autonomous practices from the Willem de Kooning Academy (WdKA) in Rotterdam. The curriculum is an ongoing series of workshops in which participants are introduced to technical, theoretical and methodological skills at the basis of the various practices that live within *Varia*. These are short intensive master-classes or workshops aimed towards providing high level introductions as a basis for further explorations.
Would you like to join this workshop? Please send us a short email on the info[a]varia.zone email address at the 15th of October the latest!
The workshop is open to 10 students from the WdKA and 5 external participants.
**⌂** Varia, Gouwstraat 3 (Rotterdam Charlois)
**⌚** Thursday 18 October, 10:00h - 18:00h (Lunch between 13:00h and 14:00h)
**💶** 50 euros (coffee, tea and cookies included)*
**💬** The workshop will be conducted in English
* Lack of money can not obstruct participation. Please get in contact with us to discuss the options (info[a]varia.zone).