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Title: Streaming with Infrafem (Radio Alhara, Pukllasunchi, Clara Balaguer, Varia Broadcasts) Date: 2022-11-25 Category: broadcast Tags: streaming, infrastracture Slug: streaming-with-infrafem-2 lang: en event_start: 2022-11-25 16:00 event_duration: 2h featured_image:/images/infrafem_poster1.jpg summary: Join us through the radio waves this early Friday evening for a discussion about radio practices of the Palestinian station Radio Alhara, who have just celebrated two years on the air, and Pukllasunchi, who organise a radio for Andean children, amongst many other things, in Peru.
Join us through the radio waves this early Friday evening for a discussion about radio practices of the Palestinian station Radio Alhara, who have just celebrated two years on the air, and Pukllasunchi, who organise a radio for Andean children, amongst many other things, in Peru. The session will be moderated by Clara Balaguer.
Streaming With Infrafem is a moment on-air of exchanging of communal strategies, infrastructural knowledge, program making and design choices starting by redefining the notion of streaming. We will explore ways of "streaming" to each other by listening, waiting and responding, both through writing (via a chat app and a collaborative editor) and through listening (via a streaming audio server) on Narrowcast, the Varia's broadcast space.
The word 'infrafem' is a portmanteau of feminism and infrastructure, and refers to doing infrastructure with a feminist sensibility. We are considering the means of communication as a means of production and questioning who is making them and under which conditions.
Date: Friday 25 November 2022
Time: 16:00 - 18:00 CET
Location: https://stream.vvvvvvaria.org/
Note: this session will be held in english

This event is made possible with the kind support of the Creative Industries Fund NL.