import sys, os, re, json from datetime import datetime, date import html2text from escpos import printer from PIL import Image import base64 import io def connect(): # Get the printer's USB initializing code with $ sudo lsbusb try: lp = printer.Usb(0x4b8,0xe15) # televex printer @ Varia lp = printer.Usb(0x4b8,0xe03) # printer @ poel except: lp = None return lp def database(db_path): if not os.path.exists(db_path): with open(db_path, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps({ "printed" : [] }, indent=4)) f = open(db_path).read() db = json.loads(f) return db def html2plain(html): # remove HTML tags txt = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', html) return txt def preprocess(output, type=None): # date_str = None if type == 'txt': txt = output if type == 'txt' or type == 'img': post_date = date_str = post_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') if type == 'rss': post = output txt = post['summary'] year = post['published_parsed'][0] month = post['published_parsed'][1] day = post['published_parsed'][2] post_date = date(year, month, day) date_str = post_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if type == 'txt' or type == 'rss': output = html2plain(txt) # limit printouts to 25 lines (this is a test) # lines = [line for line in txt.split('\n')][:25] # txt = '\n'.join(lines) return output, date_str def update_db(db, db_path, post, source, date, type=None): # add post to database # and check if this item is new item = { 'source' : source, 'date' : date, 'printed' : post } if item not in db['printed']: already_in_db = False with open(db_path, 'w') as out: db['printed'].append(item) out.write(json.dumps(db, indent=4)) out.close() else: already_in_db = True return already_in_db def print_now(output, lp=None, type=None): # configure the printouts if lp: if type == 'rss': lp.set( invert=True, font='b', width=6, # 1-8 height=6, # 1-8 ) lp.line_spacing(spacing=75) # 0 - 255 columns = 12 # b 8 8 elif type == "txt": lp.set( align='left', font='b', text_type='normal', # B, U, U2, BU, BU2, NORMAL width=1, # 1-8 height=1, # 1-8 density=9, # 0-8, 9=keep unchanged invert=False, smooth=False, flip=False ) lp.line_spacing(spacing=65) # 0 - 255 # columns = 48 # a 1 1 columns = 65 # b 1 1 elif type == 'img': lp.line_spacing(spacing=50) # 0 - 255 # print if lp: if type == 'txt' or type == 'rss': lp.block_text(output, columns=columns) # columns=line width lp.cut() elif type == 'img': lp.image(output) lp.cut() else: sys.stderr.write('Printing output to the terminal:\n\n'+output+'\n\n')