# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import datetime from icalendar.parser_tools import to_unicode from icalendar.prop import vDatetime from icalendar.prop import vText from string import ascii_letters from string import digits import random class UIDGenerator(object): """If you are too lazy to create real uid's. """ chars = list(ascii_letters + digits) def rnd_string(self, length=16): """Generates a string with random characters of length. """ return ''.join([random.choice(self.chars) for _ in range(length)]) def uid(self, host_name='example.com', unique=''): """Generates a unique id consisting of: datetime-uniquevalue@host. Like: 20050105T225746Z-HKtJMqUgdO0jDUwm@example.com """ host_name = to_unicode(host_name) unique = unique or self.rnd_string() today = to_unicode(vDatetime(datetime.today()).to_ical()) return vText('%s-%s@%s' % (today, unique, host_name))