Title: Read & Repair feat. Christina Karagianni and Anita Hrnić Date: 2020-10-19 Category: event Slug: rr-reassemble lang: en event_start: 2020-10-25 10:30 event_duration: 1h30 featured_image:/images/r&r-oct-2020.jpg summary: Every last Sunday of the month the Varia library and Rotterdam Electronics Depot are open. Come and make yourself comfortable, read together with others, browse/exchange/acquire parts from our electronics depot or use the quietness of the day to repair things that need fixing. Each session of Read & Repair is looking at a different text, sometimes guided by a guest. In the next virtual edition of Read & Repair, participants will be invited to re-assemble three existing texts which speak of different ideologies in dialogue with each other. We’ll attempt to construct a new text and subsequently pay attention to the new meanings that may possibly emerge. Texts from: - A Prior - New York Conversations - Interview with Agnes Varda - Fucking Good Art #31 its play time Text selection by Anita Hrnić and Christina Karagianni. NOTE: This reading session will be held in English. ------------ **Date**: Sunday, 25th October 2020 **Time**: 10:30am-12:00pm CEST **Location**: