Title: Newsletter
Category: newsletter
Slug: newsletter
lang: en

Varia experiments with the work of instituting a cultural organisation outside the confines of Big Tech technologies. We are interested to undestand what kind of cultural work is made possible when your organisation’s digital infrastructure is using free and open source software built by peers, digital services hosted by friends, and digital resources shared by activist organisations. 

This extends to Varia's communication methods. Our main mode of communication is the newsletter.

You can subscribe to Varia's newsletter to stay up to date on the activities taking place in and around Varia.

If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter, you can follow the steps below:

1. Visit this [link](https://we.lurk.org/mailman3/lists/varia.we.lurk.org/).
2. Under the "Subscription / Unsubscription" heading, fill in your email address and optionally, your name and then click the "subscribe" button.
3. You will be sent an email to the address you filled in during the previous step (this can take some time and please check your spam inbox)
4. You can confirm your subscription by responding to this email (an empty message will suffice).
5. Enjoy the Varia newsletter!

You can also find Varia on the Fediverse: [https://gts.varia.zone/@varia](https://gts.varia.zone/@varia)