--- Title: Extratonal Education #5: Undead Printer Hacking Workshop Date: 2024-04-20 Category: event Tags: Extratonal Education Undead Printer Hacking Workshop slug: extratonal-education-undead-printer-hacking-workshop lang: en event_start: 2024-04-20 11:00 event_duration: 5h featured_image: images/extratonal_education_5.gif summary: Live coding jam session is a performative evening to experiment with live coding together. --- **Date:** Saturday, 20 April 2024 **Door:** 11:00h CET **Start:** 11:15h CET **End:** 16:00h CET **Location:** Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) **Participation:** Free (send an email to info@extratonal.org), including food for participants Printers are not only a source of anger due to their constant non-functioning, but also a source of e-waste due to their short lifespan. Our old printing devices are stored in storage rooms and spend their existence there. Sometimes they get handed over to waste dumps. Printers are undead and haunt us. In this workshop, we explore the inner workings of printers. With a DIY and DIWO approach and by hacking and modifying obsolete printers we find different uses and meanings for them. Is there a printing beyond having driver problems? Can we repurpose e-waste printers in something beyond frustration? If you have an old printer, bring it to the workshop. This **Extratonal Education** session will be supervised by **Joseph Knierzinger** and **PLF**. *This event is made possible with the kind support of Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.*