--- Title: Toward a Minor Tech Date: 2023-02-02 11:00 Category: writings Tags: wiki-to-print, newspaper, creative crowd, publication slug: toward-a-minor-tech lang: en event_start: 2023-02-02 11:00 event_duration: 1h 30m featured_image: /images/toward-a-minor-tech.jpg summary: Varia has been invited to work on the production of the 12th edition of this *Peer-reviewed Newspaper*, a publication series of research/PhD workshops investigating contemporary digital culture. The newspaper is made within a wiki-to-print environment and will be presented during the Transmediale festival on Thursday 2nd of February. --- Toward a Minor Tech is out. :) Varia has been invited to work on the production of the 12th edition of this *Peer-reviewed Newspaper*, a publication series of research/PhD workshops investigating contemporary digital culture. The newspaper is made within a wiki-to-print environment and will be presented during the Transmediale festival on Thursday 2nd of February. ## Colophon A Peer-reviewed Newspaper <br> Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023 Edited by all authors <br> Published by Digital Aesthetics Research Center, Aarhus University Organised in collaboration with Centre for the Study of the Networked Image, London South Bank University; King's College, London; transmediale, Berlin; Film & Media/FAS, Queen's University; and Varia, Rotterdam. <br> The publication was generated with wiki-to-print hosted on Creative Crowd, by Varia. Publishing licence: CC4r - <https://constantvzw.org/wefts/cc4r.en.html> Printing: Drukkerij Tripiti, Rotterdam. Printed in an edition of 2000 copies. <br> Design: Manetta Berends & Simon Browne (Varia) <https://varia.zone> <br> Fonts: All fonts used in this newspaper are published freely under the SIL Open Font License: <https://scripts.sil.org/OFL>, apart from Authentic Sans, which is published under the WTFPL: <http://www.wtfpl.net/> - Authentic Sans - Computer Modern - Degheest Types - Junicode Condensed - Latitude - Lucette - Redaction ISSN: 2245-7593 (Print) <br> ISSN: 2245-7607 (PDF) ## Links * [PDF](https://darc.au.dk/fileadmin/DARC/newspapers/toward-a-minor-tech-online-sm.pdf) * [wiki-to-print code](https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/wiki-to-print) * [documentation](https://varia.zone/archive/2023-01-Toward-a-Minor-Tech/) + [log](https://vvvvvvaria.org/logs/toward-a-minor-tech/) * [*Peer-reviewed Newspaper* series](https://darc.au.dk/publications/peer-reviewed-newspaper) * [presentation during the Transmediale](https://2023.transmediale.de/en/event/research-workshop-2023-toward-a-minor-tech)