import locale import os import re from posixpath import join as posix_join from pelican.settings import DEFAULT_CONFIG from import (mute, skipIfNoExecutable, temporary_folder, unittest) from import (blogger2fields, build_header, build_markdown_header, decode_wp_content, download_attachments, fields2pelican, get_attachments, wp2fields) from pelican.utils import path_to_file_url, slugify CUR_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) BLOGGER_XML_SAMPLE = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'content', 'bloggerexport.xml') WORDPRESS_XML_SAMPLE = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'content', 'wordpressexport.xml') WORDPRESS_ENCODED_CONTENT_SAMPLE = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'content', 'wordpress_content_encoded') WORDPRESS_DECODED_CONTENT_SAMPLE = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'content', 'wordpress_content_decoded') try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except ImportError: BeautifulSoup = False # NOQA try: import bs4.builder._lxml as LXML except ImportError: LXML = False @skipIfNoExecutable(['pandoc', '--version']) @unittest.skipUnless(BeautifulSoup, 'Needs BeautifulSoup module') class TestBloggerXmlImporter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.old_locale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C') self.posts = blogger2fields(BLOGGER_XML_SAMPLE) def tearDown(self): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, self.old_locale) def test_recognise_kind_and_title(self): """Check that importer only outputs pages, articles and comments, that these are correctly identified and that titles are correct. """ test_posts = list(self.posts) kinds = {x[8] for x in test_posts} self.assertEqual({'page', 'article', 'comment'}, kinds) page_titles = {x[0] for x in test_posts if x[8] == 'page'} self.assertEqual({'Test page', 'Test page 2'}, page_titles) article_titles = {x[0] for x in test_posts if x[8] == 'article'} self.assertEqual({'Black as Egypt\'s Night', 'The Steel Windpipe'}, article_titles) comment_titles = {x[0] for x in test_posts if x[8] == 'comment'} self.assertEqual({'Mishka, always a pleasure to read your ' 'adventures!...'}, comment_titles) def test_recognise_status_with_correct_filename(self): """Check that importerer outputs only statuses 'published' and 'draft', that these are correctly identified and that filenames are correct. """ test_posts = list(self.posts) statuses = {x[7] for x in test_posts} self.assertEqual({'published', 'draft'}, statuses) draft_filenames = {x[2] for x in test_posts if x[7] == 'draft'} # draft filenames are id-based self.assertEqual({'page-4386962582497458967', 'post-1276418104709695660'}, draft_filenames) published_filenames = {x[2] for x in test_posts if x[7] == 'published'} # published filenames are url-based, except comments self.assertEqual({'the-steel-windpipe', 'test-page', 'post-5590533389087749201'}, published_filenames) @skipIfNoExecutable(['pandoc', '--version']) @unittest.skipUnless(BeautifulSoup, 'Needs BeautifulSoup module') class TestWordpressXmlImporter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.old_locale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C') self.posts = wp2fields(WORDPRESS_XML_SAMPLE) self.custposts = wp2fields(WORDPRESS_XML_SAMPLE, True) def tearDown(self): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, self.old_locale) def test_ignore_empty_posts(self): self.assertTrue(self.posts) for (title, content, fname, date, author, categ, tags, status, kind, format) in self.posts: self.assertTrue(title.strip()) def test_recognise_page_kind(self): """ Check that we recognise pages in wordpress, as opposed to posts """ self.assertTrue(self.posts) # Collect (title, filename, kind) of non-empty posts recognised as page pages_data = [] for (title, content, fname, date, author, categ, tags, status, kind, format) in self.posts: if kind == 'page': pages_data.append((title, fname)) self.assertEqual(2, len(pages_data)) self.assertEqual(('Page', 'contact'), pages_data[0]) self.assertEqual(('Empty Page', 'empty'), pages_data[1]) def test_dirpage_directive_for_page_kind(self): silent_f2p = mute(True)(fields2pelican) test_post = filter(lambda p: p[0].startswith("Empty Page"), self.posts) with temporary_folder() as temp: fname = list(silent_f2p(test_post, 'markdown', temp, dirpage=True))[0] self.assertTrue(fname.endswith('' % os.path.sep)) def test_dircat(self): silent_f2p = mute(True)(fields2pelican) test_posts = [] for post in self.posts: # check post kind if len(post[5]) > 0: # Has a category test_posts.append(post) with temporary_folder() as temp: fnames = list(silent_f2p(test_posts, 'markdown', temp, dircat=True)) subs = DEFAULT_CONFIG['SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS'] index = 0 for post in test_posts: name = post[2] category = slugify(post[5][0], regex_subs=subs, preserve_case=True) name += '.md' filename = os.path.join(category, name) out_name = fnames[index] self.assertTrue(out_name.endswith(filename)) index += 1 def test_unless_custom_post_all_items_should_be_pages_or_posts(self): self.assertTrue(self.posts) pages_data = [] for (title, content, fname, date, author, categ, tags, status, kind, format) in self.posts: if kind == 'page' or kind == 'article': pass else: pages_data.append((title, fname)) self.assertEqual(0, len(pages_data)) def test_recognise_custom_post_type(self): self.assertTrue(self.custposts) cust_data = [] for (title, content, fname, date, author, categ, tags, status, kind, format) in self.custposts: if kind == 'article' or kind == 'page': pass else: cust_data.append((title, kind)) self.assertEqual(3, len(cust_data)) self.assertEqual( ('A custom post in category 4', 'custom1'), cust_data[0]) self.assertEqual( ('A custom post in category 5', 'custom1'), cust_data[1]) self.assertEqual( ('A 2nd custom post type also in category 5', 'custom2'), cust_data[2]) def test_custom_posts_put_in_own_dir(self): silent_f2p = mute(True)(fields2pelican) test_posts = [] for post in self.custposts: # check post kind if post[8] == 'article' or post[8] == 'page': pass else: test_posts.append(post) with temporary_folder() as temp: fnames = list(silent_f2p(test_posts, 'markdown', temp, wp_custpost=True)) index = 0 for post in test_posts: name = post[2] kind = post[8] name += '.md' filename = os.path.join(kind, name) out_name = fnames[index] self.assertTrue(out_name.endswith(filename)) index += 1 def test_custom_posts_put_in_own_dir_and_catagory_sub_dir(self): silent_f2p = mute(True)(fields2pelican) test_posts = [] for post in self.custposts: # check post kind if post[8] == 'article' or post[8] == 'page': pass else: test_posts.append(post) with temporary_folder() as temp: fnames = list(silent_f2p(test_posts, 'markdown', temp, wp_custpost=True, dircat=True)) subs = DEFAULT_CONFIG['SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS'] index = 0 for post in test_posts: name = post[2] kind = post[8] category = slugify(post[5][0], regex_subs=subs, preserve_case=True) name += '.md' filename = os.path.join(kind, category, name) out_name = fnames[index] self.assertTrue(out_name.endswith(filename)) index += 1 def test_wp_custpost_true_dirpage_false(self): # pages should only be put in their own directory when dirpage = True silent_f2p = mute(True)(fields2pelican) test_posts = [] for post in self.custposts: # check post kind if post[8] == 'page': test_posts.append(post) with temporary_folder() as temp: fnames = list(silent_f2p(test_posts, 'markdown', temp, wp_custpost=True, dirpage=False)) index = 0 for post in test_posts: name = post[2] name += '.md' filename = os.path.join('pages', name) out_name = fnames[index] self.assertFalse(out_name.endswith(filename)) def test_can_toggle_raw_html_code_parsing(self): test_posts = list(self.posts) def r(f): with open(f, encoding='utf-8') as infile: return silent_f2p = mute(True)(fields2pelican) with temporary_folder() as temp: rst_files = (r(f) for f in silent_f2p(test_posts, 'markdown', temp)) self.assertTrue(any('<iframe' in rst for rst in rst_files)) rst_files = (r(f) for f in silent_f2p(test_posts, 'markdown', temp, strip_raw=True)) self.assertFalse(any('<iframe' in rst for rst in rst_files)) # no effect in rst rst_files = (r(f) for f in silent_f2p(test_posts, 'rst', temp)) self.assertFalse(any('<iframe' in rst for rst in rst_files)) rst_files = (r(f) for f in silent_f2p(test_posts, 'rst', temp, strip_raw=True)) self.assertFalse(any('<iframe' in rst for rst in rst_files)) def test_decode_html_entities_in_titles(self): test_posts = [post for post in self.posts if post[2] == 'html-entity-test'] self.assertEqual(len(test_posts), 1) post = test_posts[0] title = post[0] self.assertTrue(title, "A normal post with some <html> entities in " "the title. You can't miss them.") self.assertNotIn('&', title) def test_decode_wp_content_returns_empty(self): """ Check that given an empty string we return an empty string.""" self.assertEqual(decode_wp_content(""), "") def test_decode_wp_content(self): """ Check that we can decode a wordpress content string.""" with open(WORDPRESS_ENCODED_CONTENT_SAMPLE) as encoded_file: encoded_content = with open(WORDPRESS_DECODED_CONTENT_SAMPLE) as decoded_file: decoded_content = self.assertEqual( decode_wp_content(encoded_content, br=False), decoded_content) def test_preserve_verbatim_formatting(self): def r(f): with open(f, encoding='utf-8') as infile: return silent_f2p = mute(True)(fields2pelican) test_post = filter( lambda p: p[0].startswith("Code in List"), self.posts) with temporary_folder() as temp: md = [r(f) for f in silent_f2p(test_post, 'markdown', temp)][0] self.assertTrue('\s+a = \[1, 2, 3\]', md)) self.assertTrue('\s+b = \[4, 5, 6\]', md)) for_line ='\s+for i in zip\(a, b\):', md).group(0) print_line ='\s+print i', md).group(0) self.assertTrue( for_line.rindex('for') < print_line.rindex('print')) def test_code_in_list(self): def r(f): with open(f, encoding='utf-8') as infile: return silent_f2p = mute(True)(fields2pelican) test_post = filter( lambda p: p[0].startswith("Code in List"), self.posts) with temporary_folder() as temp: md = [r(f) for f in silent_f2p(test_post, 'markdown', temp)][0] sample_line ='- This is a code sample', md).group(0) code_line ='\s+a = \[1, 2, 3\]', md).group(0) self.assertTrue(sample_line.rindex('This') < code_line.rindex('a')) def test_dont_use_smart_quotes(self): def r(f): with open(f, encoding='utf-8') as infile: return silent_f2p = mute(True)(fields2pelican) test_post = filter( lambda p: p[0].startswith("Post with raw data"), self.posts) with temporary_folder() as temp: md = [r(f) for f in silent_f2p(test_post, 'markdown', temp)][0] escaped_quotes ='\\[\'"“”‘’]', md) self.assertFalse(escaped_quotes) class TestBuildHeader(unittest.TestCase): def test_build_header(self): header = build_header('test', None, None, None, None, None) self.assertEqual(header, 'test\n####\n\n') def test_build_header_with_fields(self): header_data = [ 'Test Post', '2014-11-04', 'Alexis Métaireau', ['Programming'], ['Pelican', 'Python'], 'test-post', ] expected_docutils = '\n'.join([ 'Test Post', '#########', ':date: 2014-11-04', ':author: Alexis Métaireau', ':category: Programming', ':tags: Pelican, Python', ':slug: test-post', '\n', ]) expected_md = '\n'.join([ 'Title: Test Post', 'Date: 2014-11-04', 'Author: Alexis Métaireau', 'Category: Programming', 'Tags: Pelican, Python', 'Slug: test-post', '\n', ]) self.assertEqual(build_header(*header_data), expected_docutils) self.assertEqual(build_markdown_header(*header_data), expected_md) def test_build_header_with_east_asian_characters(self): header = build_header('これは広い幅の文字だけで構成されたタイトルです', None, None, None, None, None) self.assertEqual(header, ('これは広い幅の文字だけで構成されたタイトルです\n' '##############################################' '\n\n')) def test_galleries_added_to_header(self): header = build_header('test', None, None, None, None, None, attachments=['output/test1', 'output/test2']) self.assertEqual(header, ('test\n####\n' ':attachments: output/test1, ' 'output/test2\n\n')) def test_galleries_added_to_markdown_header(self): header = build_markdown_header('test', None, None, None, None, None, attachments=['output/test1', 'output/test2']) self.assertEqual( header, 'Title: test\nAttachments: output/test1, output/test2\n\n') @unittest.skipUnless(BeautifulSoup, 'Needs BeautifulSoup module') @unittest.skipUnless(LXML, 'Needs lxml module') class TestWordpressXMLAttachements(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.old_locale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C') self.attachments = get_attachments(WORDPRESS_XML_SAMPLE) def tearDown(self): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, self.old_locale) def test_recognise_attachments(self): self.assertTrue(self.attachments) self.assertTrue(len(self.attachments.keys()) == 3) def test_attachments_associated_with_correct_post(self): self.assertTrue(self.attachments) for post in self.attachments.keys(): if post is None: expected = { ('' 'thumb/2/2c/Pelican_lakes_entrance02.jpg/' '240px-Pelican_lakes_entrance02.jpg') } self.assertEqual(self.attachments[post], expected) elif post == 'with-excerpt': expected_invalid = ('http://thisurlisinvalid.notarealdomain/' 'not_an_image.jpg') expected_pelikan = ('' 'File:Pelikan_Walvis_Bay.jpg') self.assertEqual(self.attachments[post], {expected_invalid, expected_pelikan}) elif post == 'with-tags': expected_invalid = ('http://thisurlisinvalid.notarealdomain') self.assertEqual(self.attachments[post], {expected_invalid}) else:'all attachments should match to a ' 'filename or None, {}' .format(post)) def test_download_attachments(self): real_file = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'content/article.rst') good_url = path_to_file_url(real_file) bad_url = 'http://localhost:1/not_a_file.txt' silent_da = mute()(download_attachments) with temporary_folder() as temp: locations = list(silent_da(temp, [good_url, bad_url])) self.assertEqual(1, len(locations)) directory = locations[0] self.assertTrue( directory.endswith(posix_join('content', 'article.rst')), directory)