--- Title: LIBRARIAN SWARM (Fuzzy Mirror Solidarity Network for Palestine) Date: 2023-12-06 Category: event Tags: event slug: librarian-swarm lang: en event_start: 2023-12-10 13:00 event_duration:4h featured_image: /images/ezgif.com-gif-maker(2).gif summary: Calling all amateur, professional, and aspiring librarians (or anyone who wants to help out)! Librarian Swarm is a collective effort to turn a bibliography spreadsheet on Palestine (add link) into a free digital library for public self-education. This digital harvest will be hosted with open source software on several shadow libraries. --- **Date:** Sunday 10 December 2023
**Time:** 13:00 - 17:00 CET
**Location:** online and IRL
**Registration**: Required **CALL-TO-ACTION** Calling all amateur, professional, and aspiring librarians (or anyone who wants to help out)! Librarian Swarm is a collective effort to turn a bibliography spreadsheet on Palestine (add link) into a free digital library for public self-education. This digital harvest will be hosted with open source software on several shadow libraries. This Sunday, 10 December 2023, from 13—17 hrs, we need up to 20 volunteers to help gather and organise files and simple metadata. If you’d like to contribute some of your weekend, see registration info below. We look forward to swarming together. **LIBRARIAN PROFILE** ++ A digital device (laptop, pad, phone) that connects to the internet
++ A working internet connection
++ Basic knowledge of spreadsheet software **REGISTRATION** Deadline: Saturday, 9 December, 18 hrs Write an email to fuzzysolidaritynetwork@tutanota.com with a 200-words (or less) introduction of yourself including name, profession, affiliations or other relevant stuff you'd like to share, and your motivation for joining the swarm. If you have important digital or physical access needs, please state them as well. Once we have considered your application, you will receive a response email with the online location and access info. **GENEALOGY** Organized by Varia and BAK Community Portal as a swarm of loosely organized affiliates in the Fuzzy Mirror Solidarity Network.