Title: Magiun magazine & Fizz club launch Date: 2020-09-19 Category: event slug: magiun-fizz-club-launch lang: en Event_start: 2020-09-18 17:00 event_duration: 2h featured_image: /images/magiun_gimp.gif summary: Join us for an afternoon of food! Alice Strete presents the new food magazine Magiun and Varia announces the start of a new open membership food and fermentation club. Expect Kombucha, sourdough bread, ASCII art and other tasty treats. [Magiun](https://magiun.online/) is an online and print magazine about everyday food. It publishes stories, poems, essays, recipes, photos and illustrations. Fizz club is the start of a new collective experiment for food and fermentation enthusiasts at Varia. Anyone can join. It is inspired by the recent [Escuela de Garaje by Laagencia](http://laagencia.net/escuelas) at [Rib](https://www.ribrib.nl/).