Title: Dat Conference stream - solarpunk, the decentralised web and peer-to-peer technology
Date: 2020-07-30
Category: screening
slug: dat-conf
lang: en
Event_start: 2020-07-30 16:00
event_duration: 3h
featured_image: /images/solarpunk.jpg
tags: dat, p2p, dweb, solarpunk
summary: We're streaming talks from DatConf at Varia for a little while. Feel welcome!

**Sorry for any inconvenience but this event has been cancelled due to Corona.**

DatConf will be taking place online this year and we're showing some of the talks for a short while at Varia. Pass by and grab a beverage, keep your distance and lets enjoy learning about what is going on in the world of solarpunk peer-to-peer technology together.

The full DatConf agenda is [available online](https://events.dat.foundation/2020/).

First talk 16:00 - 17:00<br>
Second talk 17:00 - 18:00<br>
Third talk 18:00 - 19:00 <br>
Entry: €0 <br>
Language: English

We are looking forward to practice careful conviviality together again! Physical presences will be protected as much as possible by adopting some security measures: max 12 people are allowed in the space with 1.5 meter distance between them. Hand gel and masks are available.