Title: Streaming with Infrafem (Radio Alhara, Pukllasunchi, Clara Balaguer) Date: 2022-11-18 Category: broadcast Tags: streaming, infrastrcture Slug: streaming-with-infrafem-2 lang: en event_start: 2022-11-25 16:00 event_duration: 2h featured_image:/images/infrafem_poster1.jpg summary: Join us through the radio waves this early Friday evening for a discussion about radio practices of the Palestinian station Radio Alhara, who have just celebrated two years on the air, and Pukllasunchi, who organise a radio for Andean children, amongst many other things, in Peru. Join us through the radio waves this early Friday evening for a discussion about radio practices of the Palestinian station Radio Alhara, who have just celebrated two years on the air, and Pukllasunchi, who organise a radio for Andean children, amongst many other things, in Peru. The session will be moderated by Clara Balaguer. Streaming With Infrafem is a moment on-air of exchanging of communal strategies, infrastructural knowledge, program making and design choices starting by redefining the notion of *streaming*. We will explore ways of "streaming" to each other by listening, waiting and responding, both through writing (via a chat app and a collaborative editor) and through listening (via a streaming audio server) on Narrowcast, the Varia's broadcast space. The word 'infrafem' is a portmanteau of feminism and infrastructure, and refers to doing infrastructure with a feminist sensibility. We are considering the means of communication as a means of production and questioning who is making them and under which conditions. ------------ **Date**: Friday 25 November 2022 **Time**: 16:00 - 18:00 CET **Location**: https://stream.vvvvvvaria.org/ **Note**: this session will be held in english