Title: care for code - documentation session
Date: 2023-03-16
Category: gathering
Tags: code, documentation
slug: code-documentation
lang: en
event_start: 2023-03-23 19:00
event_duration: 2h
featured_image: /images/lifecycle.jpg
summary: Let's write some code documentation! For your new coding project, for the cryptic library you downloaded recently, for a script that you want to share with others! Enter the documentation sessions. Two hours where to sit with source code and write something about it. 

Let's write some code documentation! For your new coding project, for the cryptic library you downloaded recently, for a script that you want to share with others!
Too many pieces of code are left alone out there: without an entry point, forgotten, while outside is raining. Wouldn't it be nice to take care of them?

Enter the documentation sessions. Two hours where to sit with source code and write something about it. From simple instructions to in-depth explanations, or maybe some drawings to illustrate the overall process. You name it.

Writing documentation is difficult! But let's face this together: prompts and suggestions will be offered for inspiration, and coffee and snacks for restoration. If you want there will be space to share your work and exchange feedback, if not no prob: just enjoy the cozy music and write some docs.

Practical info: For people that thinkers with code, no matter the experience. Processing, P5.js, TouchDesigner, Javascript, Python, doesn't really matter! All code looks better when is documented! Come alone or with friends, bring your laptop and something to document.

This session will be hosted by kamo (francesco luzzana) and is part of [his graduation work](https://hub.xpub.nl/soupboat/docs/) at the Master Experimental Publishing ([XPUB](https://xpub.nl)).

* **Date**: Thursday 23rd of March
* **Time**: 19:00-21:00 CET
* **Location**: Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam)
* **Main language that will be spoken**: English (but also Italian and Dutch if needed)