Title: Choreo-Graphic-Hypothesis Book Launch
Date: 2018-11-15
Category: event
Slug: choreographic
lang: en
event_start: 2018-11-15 19:00
event_duration: 2h
featured_image: /images/choreo_joanachicau.gif
< body > < script >
var delay="5";
var count="0";
Texts=new Array ();
Texts[0]="Media Choreographies.";
Texts[1]="ChoreoGraphic Vocabularies";
Texts[4]="Rehearsal Series";
Texts[5]="Scores & Scripts";
Texts[6]="A glossary of language for movements";
Texts[7]="Choreographing from 0 to 1 and beyond";
Texts[8]="Algorithmic Anatomies";
Texts[9]="Language(s) and Breathing";
Texts[10]="Dancing Bodi{es} & Choreographing Code{s}";
Texts[11]="ChoreoGraphing Design";
Texts[12]="Designing Choreographies";
function Moving_Title ( ) { document.querySelector("#title").innerHTML=Texts[count]; count++; if (count==Texts.length) {count="0";} setTimeout ("Moving_Title ( )", delay * 1000);
Moving_Title ( )
script > body >
< head >
< meta content="choreographic scores; programming scripts; notation systems; languages; poetics; composition; improvisation; process; temporalities; code; coding; emergence; error; failure; opportunity; interface; human-computer interactions; design; web; site; action; dramaturgy; movement; presence; (a)live; performance; performativity; affect; body; vocabularies; syntax; discourse; voices; speech; public; privacy; transparency; digital; physicality; embodiment; collaboration; trans- disciplinary practices"; name="corpus terms" >
< meta author="Joana Chicau"; >
Find here a sneak preview of the publication at:
Come dance along ~
**Date**: Thursday, 15th of November 2018
**Time**: 19:00h - 21:00h
**Location**: Varia, Gouwstraat 3 Rotterdam
**Entrance**: Free
Joana Chicau [PT/NL] is a graphic designer, coder, researcher - with background in dance. Her trans-disciplinary project interweaves media design and web environments with choreographic practices. Chicau has been researching the intersection of the body with the constructed, designed, programmed environment, aiming at in widening the ways in which digital sciences is presented and made accessible to the public. She has been actively participating and organizing events with performances involving multi- location collaborative algorithmic improvisation, open discussions on gender equality and activism.
She is a member of Varia!

Choreo-Graphic-Hypothesis gif preview.
*Cover image: Joana Chicau*