Title: Blue Links - XPUB Graduation Show Date: 2021-07-17 Category: event Slug: xpub-blue-links lang: en event_start: 2021-07-17 15:00 event_duration: 6h featured_image: /images/xpub-blue-links.jpg summary: Blue is the sky, blue is the ocean. Blue is our mood (sometimes). Blue are the paths that have not yet been followed. Varia hosts this year's graduation show of the master Experimental Publishing (XPUB), Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam. Blue is the sky, blue is the ocean. Blue is our mood (sometimes). Blue are the paths that have not yet been followed. The leaps, jumps, and dives that are implicit to clicking the blue links allow for traveling back and forth between states and spaces. When generating paths, we think through both collective physicality and individual domains — bound territories to be traversed. Not so long ago, we sat inside, looking through the window, thinking about the outside. Today we welcome you to look through our windows from the outside, as they open from within. Grab your map and go on a journey, follow these links that connect us. Roam around the array of works, existing not only as single fractions but also as part of a collective. Nothing exists in isolation, without pathways of convergence, overlap or synchronicity. We are all linked, connecting in-between and with each other. Blueness dissolves upon activation. Experimental Publishing (XPUB) - Graduation Show, 2021 -------------- **Date**: 17th of July
**Time**: 15:00 - 21:00
**Location(s)**: VARIA (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam), Nieuwe Charlois (Wolphaertsbocht 81, Rotterdam), RIB (Katendrechtse Lagedijk 490B, Rotterdam), Ateliers M42 (Gouwstraat 34 a/b, Rotterdam), The Pole (Pompstraat 40-B1, Rotterdam)