--- Title: 8m Counter Cloud Gathering Date: 2024-02-28 Category: event Tags: event slug: 8m-2024 lang: en event_start: 2024-03-08 14:30 event_duration: 2h 30m featured_image: /images/8m-2024.png summary: On the 8th of March, Varia will open its doors for the 8M Counter Cloud Gathering as part of the [Transnational, Anti-Colonial, Trans*Feminist Counter Cloud Action Day](https://varia.zone/8m/). --- **Date**: 8th of March 2024 **Time**: 14:30-17:00 **Location**: Varia On the 8th of March, Varia will open its doors for the 8M Counter Cloud Gathering as part of the [Transnational, Anti-Colonial, Trans*Feminist Counter Cloud Action Day](https://varia.zone/8m/). This call is a revision of last year's call for an [International Trans*Feminist Digital Depletion Strike](https://titipi.org/8m/2023.html). This year we will not call for a strike out of solidarity with those who use Cloud platforms for organising resistance against military violence and for evidencing genocide in Palestine. Instead we call groups to meet, take action and imagine solidary approaches for boycotting, divesting and sanctioning The Cloud Regime. We call for contingent actions that depend on collective experiences of living life, at this time, in these places. Join us from 14:30-17:00 at Varia where we’ll publish a list of infra resistance tools, we’ll put together collective playlists, and work on a mobile library that that gives access to the collection of books started by the [Fuzzy Mirror Solidarity Network for Palestine](https://varia.zone/en/librarian-swarm.html). After the event at Varia we will go to the 8m march in Rotterdam and you are all welcome to join us! Those who cannot join the march, can listen to it being livestreamed on Narrowcast.