Title: Extratonal Education #3: Oud-Charlois PCB-Dérive Date: 2024-02-24 Category: event Tags: workshop, music, extratonal, infrastructure, PCB, Charlois Slug: extratonaleducation3 lang: en event_start: 2024-02-24 13:30 event_duration: 3h featured_image: /images/extratonal_education_3.gif summary: This workshop deals with the discarded electrical junk of the residents of Oud Charlois. Together we will search through the garbage on the streets to filter out the electronic waste! **Date:** Saturday, 24th February 2024<br> **Door:** 13:30h CET<br> **Start:** 14:00h CET<br> **Duration:** +/- 3.5 hours<br> **Location:** Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam)<br> **Participation:** Free (send an email to <a href = "mailto: info@extratonal.org">info@extratonal.org</a>), including dinner for participants This workshop deals with the discarded electrical junk of the residents of Oud Charlois. Together we will search through the garbage on the streets to filter out the electronic waste. Our findings will be examined in the temporary laboratory of Varia and disassembled into parts. The aim is to transform them into magnetic pickups for an acoustic exploration of the electronic trash and infrastructure of Rotterdam. The central question in this workshop is why products become waste so quickly. Are they made to die? How could they be used in a more durable way? This Extratonal Education session will be supervised by **Danny Tirthdas van der Kleij, joak** en **vitrinekast.** *This event is made possible with the kind support of Popunie Rotterdam, Stichting Volkskracht, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Gemeente Rotterdam and Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.*