Title: Hunting Mosquitos (research-in-progress) Date: 2022-05-27 Category: event Tags: sonic weapon, discussion, infrastructure, city, listening out, research, urban technologies Slug: hunting-mosquitos lang: en event_start: 2022-05-27 18:00 event_duration: 2h featured_image:/images/mosquito-present-in0the0dark.JPG summary: This evening, **Angeliki Diakrousi** will present the *Hunting Mosquitos*, a research in progress on 'The Mosquito', a technology used in hangouts in Rotterdam, that emits high-frequencies to deter the youth from loitering in the public space. In *Hunting Mosquitos*, **Angeliki Diakrousi** examines perceptions of noise around the 'Mosquito alarm' and the social and political implications of its use. 'The Mosquito', a technology used in public places in Rotterdam, emits high-frequencies, audible only to young people and experienced as unpleasant, to deter them from loitering in hangouts, after residents' complaints about noise. The use of the devices by the municipality of Rotterdam and private owners in cooperation with companies has triggered discussions about the extent to which this technology, which is directed against a specific population group, constitutes discrimination and a violation of human rights. The device can be activated by inhabitants or fascilitating technologies such as motion sensors. Even if the discussion about the 'Mosquito' seems to be open and decisions about its use are made democratically, there is unequal representation in the public dialogue. On 27th of May, Angeliki will present aspects of her research and bring the complexities of the use of such technology in a public dialogue. This will be also a feedback moment that will help the research to go deeper into the points that trigger further discussion. In a slow and empirical process, she collects anecdotal evidence and brings it in discussion. Investigations on bureacracy, interviews with inhabitants and teenagers, technical/sonic experiments and ways of listening out attempt to reveal the hidden ideological and political dynamics behind this technology. The work started as an invitation in 2019 from the curator Linnea Semmerling and is supported by TENT, Rotterdam where it will be exhibited at the end of 2022. Part of the research process will take place at the Goethe-Institut of Rotterdam in May and June 2022, at the Oslo Architecture Triennale in September 2022 and at Sonic Acts on October 2022. Traces of the research: **Date**: Friday 27. May 2022
**Time**: 18:00h - 20:00h CET
**Location**: Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam)
---------- This project is supported by the [Creative Industries Fund NL](https://www.stimuleringsfonds.nl/).