Title: Fine Art End Term
Date: 2022-12-13
Category: define-art
Slug: define-art
lang: en
event_start: 2022-12-13 19:00
event_duration: 2h
summary: This radio show presents a collection of audio pieces made by second-year students of the Willem de Kooning Academy Define Art major!
📻 Welcome to the Fine Art End Term 🎧
This radio show presents a collection of audio pieces made by second-year students of the Willem de Kooning Academy Define Art major!
Tune in and listen to sounds that explore the potential of radio and broadcasting infrastructures as a space for making together, experimenting, sharing work, and making things public.

KlanKlam ~ Sknipa
Amand Pierard ~ Dreaming in blue
Dori Detlaf ~ Tale from above the volcano
Luna ~ Luna.2
Vitrinekast Soundsystems ~ Das machine
Borbála Magdolna Pál ~ The state comes last in line when it comes to taking responsibility for the marginalized
Louisa ~ untitled
Renske Maria de Raad ~ alternative universe created by me
Mar ~ Mar by mar by mar by mar
Ekko ~ tanpınarın gözyaşlar
Jessica Kuhn ~ decadence
Jeancarlo Balootje ~ Lito-1
Pleuntje ~ The wandering womb
Emily Browne ~ Waters of the Moon
An ~ huisruis
Mariana ~ Le Dordszine
Vera Costa ~ praying child
Rijn aka ruimtewisser ~ anti pop song
Sakhi ~ untitled kuthu sessions
*Big shout out to @boskamp.boskamp for narrating the show! Shout out to his vocal chords!!*
Executive Producer, Script writer, Director - AnikaTheAbsurd
Audio Producer, Audio Editor & Mixer - Rosa
Radio presenter - Maurits Boskamp
Poster design - Mar
Sysadmin Trainee - DianaDisco
*The Radio Activity gatherings 2022 were facilitated by tutors Yoana Buzova & Artemis Gryllaki*
**Date**: 13 december 2022
**Time**: 19:00 - 20:30 CET
**Location**: https://stream.vvvvvvaria.org/