Title: Streaming with InfraFem Date: 2022-04-15 Category: event Tags: streaming, infrafem, self-organisation Slug: infrafem-1 lang: en event_start: 2022-04-22 11:00 event_duration: 5h featured_image:/images/Cables.jpg summary: Streaming With Infrafem is a moment of exchange of communal strategies, infrastructural knowledge, and design choices starting by redefining the notion of *streaming*. We will explore ways of "streaming" to each other by listening, waiting and responding, both through text (for example via collaborative editors), through audio (for example via the streaming audio/video servers), and other means. The word "infrafem" is a portmanteau of feminism and infrastructure, and refers to doing infrastructure with a feminist sensibility. We believe that considering the means of communication as a means of production and questioning who is making them and under which conditions is important. Streaming With Infrafem is a moment of exchange of communal strategies, infrastructural knowledge, and design choices starting by redefining the notion of *streaming*. We will explore ways of "streaming" to each other by listening, waiting and responding, both through text (for example via collaborative editors), through audio (for example via the streaming audio/video servers), and other means. Infrafem will be a day-long **research and exchange meeting** for cultural organisations that run and maintain their own digital infrastructure as part of their cultural programmes, culminating in a **public radio broadcast** later on where radio initiatives from other places abroad are invited to join and share their own experience. More information about the public broadcast coming up later! ---------- This project is supported by the [Creative Industries Fund NL](https://www.stimuleringsfonds.nl/).