// - - - - - - NARROWCA(S)T SKINS - - - - - - // // (original) colour codes: // ColorPurple: mostly used in background; // ColorLightPink: mostly as main font text; // ColorLightBlue: mostly on links in the sidebar; // ColorLightYellow: mostly on top links 'about'; // ColorPink: mostly on 'Live Now' glow effect; // HOW TO: // remove '//' on the corresponding funtion, eg.: ChangeColorPurple("newColor1"); // and replace the second value inside 'setProperty' for a hex code "#000" of your choice! // for example if black: ('--color-purple',"#000"); function ChangeColorPurple(newColor1) { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--color-purple',"#000"); } // ChangeColorPurple("newColor1") function ChangeColorLightPink(newColor2) { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--color-lightpink',"#000"); } // ChangeColorLightPink("newColor2") function ChangeColorLightBlue(newColor3) { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--color-lightblue',"#000"); } // ChangeColorLightBlue("newColor3") function ChangeColorLightYellow(newColor4) { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--color-lightyellow',"#000"); } // ChangeColorLightYellow("newColor4") function ChangeColorPink(newColor5) { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--color-pink',"#000"); } // ChangeColorPink("newColor5")