--- - name: Ensure the XPPL group exists. become: true group: name: xppl system: true state: present - name: Ensure the project user exists. become: true user: name: xppl system: true groups: xppl - name: Add the project user to the project group. become: true user: name: xppl groups: xppl append: true - name: Ensure the project root directory is created. become: true file: path: /var/xppl/ state: directory owner: xppl group: xppl mode: 0755 - name: Ensure the Git package is installed. become: true yum: name: git state: present - name: Clone the latest project source. become: true become_user: xppl git: repo: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se/xppl.git dest: /var/xppl/ version: master register: git_clone_result - name: Ensure the Make package is installed. become: true yum: name: make state: present - name: Get RQLite installed into project directory. make: chdir: /var/xppl target: install-rqlite - name: Ensure Supervisor is installed. become: true yum: name: supervisord state: present - name: Ensure Supervisor is running and enabled. service: name: supervisord state: started enabled: true tags: - molecule-notest # get the rqlite database setup with supervisor # get the nginx certificate in place # run the gunicorn server # configure the uploads directory with Syncthing # write some documentation