#https://gist.github.com/mjlavin80/186a6395c5819dbe25a8a0e001d5acfd import requests import json # This script demonstrates how to query annotations for a particular URL using the hypothes.is API. An API key is required. # The end result of this script is a Python dictionary with annotation data in it. Top save to csv or other format, further parsing would be required def get_annotations(): KEY = "6879-GqSSbtmCoLUb8u9f6Gxh6DuScIkFKj321HSYzYZnjxc" # here is the viewer pdf from each pdf URL = "https://monoskop.org/Monoskop" #a dictionary containing necessary http headers headers = { "Host": "hypothes.is", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % KEY } base_url = "https://hypothes.is/api/search" search_url = "".join([base_url, "?uri=", URL]) r = requests.get(search_url, headers=headers) #data is a python dictionary return json.loads(r.text)