This commit is contained in:
clemtre 2024-01-12 22:54:41 +01:00
parent 5e57b296c9
commit f97981f13d
2 changed files with 164 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
# Demo
# Presentation
## est un script shell qui transforme une base de donnée de liens
en une page html. La conversion est faite par une commande awk au sein
en une page web. La conversion est faite par une commande awk au sein
d'une déclaration here-doc qui est redirigé dans une page html.
J'ai créé ce script car je trouve le gestionnaire de marque-page de
firefox instatsifant, autant dans sa forme que dans le format utilisé
firefox insatisfaisant, autant dans sa forme que dans le format utilisé
(sqlite). Ce script et les utilitaires autours proposent une une
alternative pour archiver ses navigations internet.
@ -25,13 +29,13 @@ Name: Rosetta Code
Tags: literacy, read
Date: 1704675057
Color: Purple
Name: Emigre: Type Specimens
Tags: emigre, type
Date: 1704680644
Color: Purple
Name: Wayback Machine
@ -57,12 +61,12 @@ Dmenu est un menu interactif qui permet de sélectionner et d'écrire des
valeurs dans un menu. Ces valeurs peuvent provenir d'un programme
fournit en entrée un *pipe* "|", par exemple :
ls | dmenu
ls | dmenu
affiche un menu déroulant avec les fichiers de mon répertoire. Dans
notre script, pour stocker le choix dans une variable, on peut faire :
tags=$(echo "" | dmenu -p "Enter comma-separated tags:")
tags=$(echo "" | dmenu -p "Enter comma-separated tags:")
## ~~htmlq~~
Htmlq est un parseur d'html écrit en go. Peu importe quel parseur on
@ -71,7 +75,9 @@ Il s'agit ici de fournir au programme une chaîne de caractère en entrée
et d'en filtrer des éléments html
Si en javascript pour récupérer tous les \<h1> enfants d'une \<section> on
peut faire
document.querySelectorAll('section h1')
En shell, c'est plus compliqué, htmlq est fait pour ça :
cat fichier.html | htmlq 'section h1'
@ -132,3 +138,10 @@ script.js → Un peu de javascript pour: → Un curl des repos de l'api github[user]/starred , formaté de json à une
liste html sans jq !
# Crédits
Junicode (OFL-1.1)
Dmenu License (MIT/X)

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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
*FR →*
# Demo
# Presentation
## is a shell script parsing a bookmark database to a webpage.
It uses awk inside a here-doc declaration redirected to an html file.
I have created this script because I found the bookmarks manager from
firefox not great to use, to the point where I did not have the habit to
bookmark my browsing. Firefox stores bookmarks in a sqlite format and I
wanted something text based
## Bookmarks database format
Only a Url is required, the rest of the fields are optional :
URL : ...
Name : grabs </title> from the bookmarked page
Description : ...
Tags : comma separated keywords
Date : posix time of the bookmarked link
Color : css color (name, hex, rgb etc...)
For example, in a file called BOOKMARKS by default:
Name: Rosetta Code
Tags: literacy, read
Date: 1704675057
Color: Purple
Name: Emigre: Type Specimens
Tags: emigre, type
Date: 1704680644
Name: Wayback Machine
Tags: read
Date: 1704712747
# Other bookmark managers:
- nb (AGPL-3.0)
- ??
# Dependency :
To add a link via the proposed interface, we will need
to install dmenu ~~and htmlq~~.
* dmenu (MIT/X)
* ~~htmlq (MIT)~~ replaced by one
awk command
## dmenu
Dmenu is an interactive menu that allows us to select and write
values in a menu. These values can come from a program
provided as input from a pipe "|", for example:
ls | dmenu
displays a drop-down menu with the files in my directory.
In our script, to store the given tags in a variable, we can do:
tags=$(echo "" | dmenu -p "Enter comma-separated tags:")
## ~~htmlq~~
Htmlq is an HTML parser written in Go. It doesn't matter which parser we
uses, it seems that each language has its own.
We give to the program an html string and it filters through it using css
selectors returning the found html elements
Using javascript, retrieving all the \<h1> children of a \<section> can
be done with :
document.querySelectorAll('section h1')
In shell, it's more complicated, htmlq is made for that:
cat fichier.html | htmlq 'section h1'
And to output only the text -- the javascript equivalent of .innerHTML:
cat fichier.html | htmlq 'section h1' --text
We use it to retrieve the title tag of the page to add:
curl page.html | htmlq 'title' --text
Pre-release patch:
curl $url | awk -v RS='</title>' \
'/<title>/ {gsub(/.*<title>/, ""); print}' |\
tr -d '\n'
For the moment this step is blocking. In case internet cuts while
bookmarking a link, you will have to wait for the end of the curl
attempt to move to the next field in the script :/ sorry!
# Add a bookmark :
To add a link, I select the URL of the page with Ctrl + l, the copy and
run with Super + i. _If anyone knows how to retrieve the url of
the current browser page without having to copy it, this would save two
steps out of three._
En résumé : Ctrl + l, Ctrl + c, Super + i
(ou plus court : Ctrl + l + i, Super + i)
Super + i because in my window manager configuration file located in
~/.config/awesome/rc.lua, I have the following lines:
awful.key({modkey}, "i", function()
awful.util.spawn_with_shell("") end,
{description = "Enregistre le lien copié dans"}),
# Structure du répertoire
* BOOKMARKS → A textual database of bookmarks
* → A script to add a link to the database
- dmenu
- ./
* → The shell script itself
- It generates a new html page from the link database
(default index.html)
* style.css → Stylesheet for index.html
* script.js → A bit of javascript for:
- search in the \<textarea>
- add background colors to entries that have them
- if the description field is empty, do not
display it
- format posix time dates to YY-MM-DD format
/!\ Soon /!\ → curl from the github user api and format it in the same
way as without using jq[user]/starred
# Credits
Junicode (OFL-1.1)
Dmenu License (MIT/X)