Generating portfolios from pads again!

Updated 5 years ago

publication for documenting Relearn 2017

Updated 5 years ago

The captive portal page for Bibliotecha

Updated 5 years ago

a small tool for Wikipedia article quality inspection using ORES

Updated 5 years ago

cyber/technofeminist cross-reader

Updated 5 years ago

Distribusi is a content management system for the web that produces static pages based on the file system.

Updated 5 years ago

The manual for Bibliotecha

Updated 5 years ago

A cgi-bin python script that picks up a random image from a directory and its subdirectories and show it in a browser.

Updated 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

A Pelican plugin to add meta-data to generated HTML pages

Updated 5 years ago

Scripts used to process a book scanned through a Flatbed Scanner.

Updated 5 years ago

JavaScript 0 0

Varia library working group XPPL.

Updated 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Python 0 1

a XMPP logging bot, saving its log as html page

Updated 5 years ago

Scripts used to process a book scanned through the DIY Book Scanner.

Updated 5 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

annotation tools for making the iterations publication (Manetta & Jara) -

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

This is a repository full of Flask fun, created for the GDA sprint in March 2020 by Danny & Manetta.

Updated 4 years ago

many many many Varia's websites, work in progress:

Updated 4 years ago