Flask application repository for Banner Repeater's DAAP (Digital Archive of Artists Publishing). SPARQL queries by Lozana Rossenova, CSS and JS by Joana Chicau, python and Jinja by Julie Boschat-Thorez. See https://daap.network
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

90 lines
2.6 KiB

{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block content %}
<!-- Artwork title and navigation -->
<!-- The content in 3 divs displayed or not (detailed revord is out)-->
<!-- about -->
<!-- relationships -->
<!-- lists -->
<!-- copies in collections -->
<div>Copies in collections</div>
<!-- all the copies if any -->
{% for x in copiesincollection['results']['bindings'] %}
<div class="artwork-copiesincollection">
<!-- img -->
<div class="artwork-copiesincollection-img-div">
{% if "image" in x %}
<!-- <a href='/artwork?id={{ x["???"]["copiesCollections"] | replace("http://daap.bannerrepeater.org/entity/", "") }}'> -->
<img class="artwork-copiesincollection-imgs" src='{{ x["image"]["value"] | replace("wiki/File:","wiki/Special:Redirect/file/") }}'>
<!-- </a> -->
{% else %}
<!-- <a href='/artwork?id={{ x["copiesCollections"]["value"] | replace("http://daap.bannerrepeater.org/entity/", "") }}'> -->
<img class="artwork-copiesincollection-imgs" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/imgs/Icons/placeholder_no-image2.png') }}">
<!-- </a> -->
{% endif %}
<!-- title/name of collection -->
<div class="artwork-copiesincollection-title-div">
{{ x["collectionLabel"]["value"]}}
{% endfor %}
<!-- Related works -->
<div>Related works</div>
<!-- all the works if any-->
{% for x in relatedworks['results']['bindings'] %}
<div class="artwork-relatedworks">
<!-- image -->
<div class="artwork-relatedworks-img-div">
{% if "image" in x %}
<a href='/artwork?id={{ x["relatedWorks"]["value"] | replace("http://daap.bannerrepeater.org/entity/", "") }}'>
<img class="artwork-relatedworks-imgs" src='{{ x["image"]["value"] | replace("wiki/File:","wiki/Special:Redirect/file/") }}'>
{% else %}
<a href='/artwork?id={{ x["relatedWorks"]["value"] | replace("http://daap.bannerrepeater.org/entity/", "") }}'>
<img class="artwork-relatedworks-imgs" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/imgs/Icons/placeholder_no-image2.png') }}">
{% endif %}
<!-- title -->
<div class="artwork-relatedworks-tile">
{{ x["relatedWorksLabel"]["value"]}}
<!-- year -->
<div class="artwork-relatedworks-date">
{% if "daterelatedWorks" in x %}
{{ x["daterelatedWorks"]["value"] | replace("T00:00:00Z", "") }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}