urgent-publishing/raw/debris/discards/notes-session 1,2,3-Silvio Lorusso.md
2020-04-04 11:24:46 +02:00

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Nishant Shah

netflix is scripted by an algo twitch two home google assistants speaking to each other bots developing their own language

modern scribes to copy penthouse self-help book

geofrrey chaucer, canterbury tales has buffled historians cause each chapter has a different styles chaucer doesn't exist, he came to exist because of laws on blasphemy and heresy if you just report what you're saying you are exempted from heresy

apple positioned itself as a tool for ripping burning mixing, basically as a pirating tool. this was in the global north. In the global south, the opposite: prevent ripping. Brand: "Malaria for media"

Nishant showing a slide that says "Same same but Different" <3

we need to think of the structures of authorship: (algorithmic) authority, punishment, power

as a result multiple genealogies of how authenticity is formed

The carrier bag theory of fiction

title: ursula le guin, origin: carrier bag of human evolution evolution looks like a bag in which you put and collect and bring stuff instead of violence focus on gatherers rather than hunters not on hero but relationships and processes what does the carrier bag for non-fiction could look like?

Lotte Lenses, 100 Pins in Paris research the city of paris as a human body (like in odissey) [also in many cosmogonies] urban metabolism (build cities as organisms) people walk faster in big cities walking through paris and test the limits of my own body tiredness rules: no metro, silent, no music, no phone in the end: a website with pins

Liesbeth Eugelink, Bitterveld

[can't follow]

Janneke Adema and Gary Hall, hall: uberification of university

critique of modularity: critique of manovich modularity is one of the 5 pcrinciples of new media recombination culture is made modular according to Manovich hence standardization to share culture

modules and nodes suppress relation and context (tara mcpherson) module: any well defined part of a content

modularity: critizing stability and fixity

books are always appeared in a post human fashion

what boundaries we take account form?

way to go: consider forms of new non humanistic povs

Living Books about life series: bridge the gap between humanities and science open source wiki platform wiki: increased accessibility (for academics)


remix generator: a guide to

the disrupted journal of media practice what can a journal go beyond the linear 8000 words custom design with a designers in the print version print design versioning

Axel Andersson author of books such as Absolute Pharmacon Post-digital publishing and the return of locality

smithson, site-specificity kritik-labbet: a lab for criticism

  • critic cannot work as professional (economics)
  • critics unable to deep up with technology
  • critic unable to keep up with the other arts

banned the word "project" experiment is the way

tumblr blog [isn't that the risk that in order to keep up the critic turn into a social media manager?]

amateurization of criticism

rethink the public sphere, instead of thinking of media expand the model of public sphere private, public, none-public, non-private

plate/site distinction place: condense locality into one story

site: something that is fractures, many times in one time

Lidia Periera!!!

graduation project from pzi


florian first q: what's post humanism for you? for me is many things? florian: utrecht post-humanism is branding

ethics of care

who has the privilege to stay on the platform

#urgentpublishing I wanted to problematize the link between social media and privilege, discussed during the panel. The question is generally: "do I precarious cultural worker have the privilege to quit social media?" As basically everyone can nowadays claim a stake in precarity, the question should also be: "what kind of cultural status, little as it can be, is maintained and performed by staying on social media?"

Means and Memes

Evelyn Austin A WWW of Gatekeepers Bits of Freedom

battle over the tools to publishing and to distribute

women on waves

youtube: trans as adult content