Summary: *Digital infrapuncture* is a speculative term that can help reframe the perception of the stress points that an infrastructure could have. [perhaps give some examples of stress points, now it is really abstract]
*Digital infrapuncture* is a speculative term that can help reframe the perception [<-Idon'tunderstandthisideaofreframingtheperception,bemoreconcretee.g.itdrawsattentiontostresspointsininfrastructureandstimulatesthinkingabouthowtointervene]ofthestresspointsthataninfrastructurecouldhave.Inatalkshepresentedin2016called*Identifying the point of it all: Towards a Model of "Digital Infrapuncture"*[^DigitalInfrapuncture],[addDeb]Verhoeven[addCanada150ResearchChairinGenderandCulturalInformaticsattheUniversityofAlberta]developsthisconceptinrelationtothefieldofdigitalhumanities.
Informed by the work of scholar [add Bethany] Nowviskie[^Nowviskie], Verhoeven asks for a rethinking of digital infrastructures in terms of capacity and care, by *"developing an appreciation for where it hurts, where the sense of pain is in the worlds that we inhabit and study"* and creating small scale interventions which can enkindle transformation on a larger scale.
If we understand an infrastructure as a relational structure - or in other words - as a technology that brings things (back) together, we can start to critically enquire where infrastructures fails to do so.
Who is an infrastructure bringing together? And who *not*? What are the conditions and possibilities for connection they provide? Where do they *not* connect and concequently exclude people?
And, most importantly, *who* can [perhaps rephrase as 'who has the access and agency to'] actually intervene in the design of infrastructures? And *how*?
[^DigitalInfrapuncture]: Verhoeven, Deb. "Opening Keynote: Identifying the point of it all: Towards a Model of 'Digital Infrapuncture'" *Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School* (2016) [](
[^Jackson]: Jackson, Steven J. "Rethinking Repair" *Media Technologies: Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society* (2014): 221-239. [](