
106 lines
3.2 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import os, json
from time import sleep
import jinja2
def ep(fn, api_url, api_key, **data):
d = {}
d['apikey'] = api_key
for key in data:
d[key] = data[key]
return json.load(urlopen(f"{api_url}{fn}", data=urlencode(d).encode()))
with open("/srv/etherpad-lite/APIKEY.txt") as f:
api_key =
api_url = ""
pad_url = ""
nickname = "folding"
author = ep("createAuthor", api_url, api_key, name=nickname)
author_id = author["data"]["authorID"]
all_pads = ep("listAllPads", api_url, api_key)
all_pads = all_pads["data"]["padIDs"]
db_filename = "folding.json"
# Make database json file when it does not exist yet
if not os.path.exists(db_filename):
with open(db_filename, "w") as out:
db = { 'messages' : [] }
out.write(json.dumps(db, indent=4))
# Read db
db_file = open(db_filename).read()
db = json.loads(db_file)
while True:
for pad in all_pads:
# Get the current chat_head of this pad
chat_head_data = ep("getChatHead", api_url, api_key, padID=pad)
chat_head = chat_head_data["data"]["chatHead"]
# If this pad is not in the database yet
if not pad in db:
# Then create an entry for this pad
db[pad] = chat_head
# Read latest chat_head from db
latest_chat_head = db[pad]
# If the last chat_head is lower then the current one
if int(latest_chat_head) < chat_head:
# Check how many messages have been sent
num_of_messages = chat_head - int(latest_chat_head)
# Get latest num message(s)
chat_history = ep("getChatHistory", api_url, api_key, padID=pad)
# Loop through the last num_of_messages
for num in range(num_of_messages):
num = num_of_messages - num
last_message = chat_history["data"]["messages"][-num]["text"]
last_author_id = chat_history["data"]["messages"][-num]["userId"]
last_author_name = chat_history["data"]["messages"][-num]["userName"]
last_timestamp = chat_history["data"]["messages"][-num]["time"]
print(num, last_message)
# If the bot is called, using @bot
if "<fold>" in last_message:
# Say that the message is folded
reply = f"{ last_author_name }, your message is folded onto the resonance board."
ep("appendChatMessage", api_url, api_key, padID=pad, text=reply, authorID=author_id)
# Store the message in the list folds
message = last_message.replace("<fold>", "")
message = f"<b>folding from <a href='{ pad_url }{ pad }'>{ pad }</a> by { last_author_name }</b>: { message }"
# Update the db with the latest chat_head
db[pad] = str(chat_head)
# Write the db back to file
with open(db_filename, "w") as db_out:
db_out.write(json.dumps(db, indent=4))
# Save the message to a .html file using a jinja template
template = jinja2.Template(open("/srv/folds/templates/folds.html").read())
html = template.render(folds=db["messages"])
with open("/var/www/html/folds.html", "w") as out:
# Pause 60 seconds between each loop through all the pads