forked from varia/folding-bot
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
105 lines
3.2 KiB
105 lines
3.2 KiB
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import os, json
from time import sleep
import jinja2
def ep(fn, api_url, api_key, **data):
d = {}
d['apikey'] = api_key
for key in data:
d[key] = data[key]
return json.load(urlopen(f"{api_url}{fn}", data=urlencode(d).encode()))
with open("/srv/etherpad-lite/APIKEY.txt") as f:
api_key =
api_url = ""
pad_url = ""
nickname = "folding"
author = ep("createAuthor", api_url, api_key, name=nickname)
author_id = author["data"]["authorID"]
all_pads = ep("listAllPads", api_url, api_key)
all_pads = all_pads["data"]["padIDs"]
db_filename = "folding.json"
# Make database json file when it does not exist yet
if not os.path.exists(db_filename):
with open(db_filename, "w") as out:
db = { 'messages' : [] }
out.write(json.dumps(db, indent=4))
# Read db
db_file = open(db_filename).read()
db = json.loads(db_file)
while True:
for pad in all_pads:
# Get the current chat_head of this pad
chat_head_data = ep("getChatHead", api_url, api_key, padID=pad)
chat_head = chat_head_data["data"]["chatHead"]
# If this pad is not in the database yet
if not pad in db:
# Then create an entry for this pad
db[pad] = chat_head
# Read latest chat_head from db
latest_chat_head = db[pad]
# If the last chat_head is lower then the current one
if int(latest_chat_head) < chat_head:
# Check how many messages have been sent
num_of_messages = chat_head - int(latest_chat_head)
# Get latest num message(s)
chat_history = ep("getChatHistory", api_url, api_key, padID=pad)
# Loop through the last num_of_messages
for num in range(num_of_messages):
num = num_of_messages - num
last_message = chat_history["data"]["messages"][-num]["text"]
last_author_id = chat_history["data"]["messages"][-num]["userId"]
last_author_name = chat_history["data"]["messages"][-num]["userName"]
last_timestamp = chat_history["data"]["messages"][-num]["time"]
print(num, last_message)
# If the bot is called, using @bot
if "<fold>" in last_message:
# Say that the message is folded
reply = f"{ last_author_name }, your message is folded onto the resonance board."
ep("appendChatMessage", api_url, api_key, padID=pad, text=reply, authorID=author_id)
# Store the message in the list folds
message = last_message.replace("<fold>", "")
message = f"<b>folding from <a href='{ pad_url }{ pad }'>{ pad }</a> by { last_author_name }</b>: { message }"
# Update the db with the latest chat_head
db[pad] = str(chat_head)
# Write the db back to file
with open(db_filename, "w") as db_out:
db_out.write(json.dumps(db, indent=4))
# Save the message to a .html file using a jinja template
template = jinja2.Template(open("/srv/folds/templates/folds.html").read())
html = template.render(folds=db["messages"])
with open("/var/www/html/folds.html", "w") as out:
# Pause 60 seconds between each loop through all the pads