You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
191 lines
5.0 KiB
191 lines
5.0 KiB
import os, json, re
from math import log, exp
from flask import Markup
from nltk import sent_tokenize
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+') # initialize tokenizer
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
def tfidf(query, words, corpus):
# Term Frequency
tf_count = 0
for word in words:
if query == word:
tf_count += 1
tf = tf_count/len(words)
# print('count:', tf_count)
# print('total:', len(words))
# print('TF - count/total', tf_count/len(words))
# Inverse Document Frequency
idf_count = 0
for words in corpus:
if query in words:
idf_count += 1
# print('count:', idf_count)
idf = log(len(corpus)/idf_count)
# print('documents:', len(corpus))
# print('documents/count', len(corpus)/idf_count)
# print('IDF - log(documents/count)', log(len(corpus)/idf_count))
tfidf_value = tf * idf
# print('TF-IDF:', tfidf_value)
return tf_count, tf_count, tfidf_value
def load_text_files():
files = []
corpus = []
sentences = {}
dir = 'txt'
for f in sorted(os.listdir(dir)):
# manifesto = f.replace('.txt','')
manifesto = f
lines = open(dir+'/'+f, "r").read() # list of lines in .txt file
words = [word for word in tokenizer.tokenize(lines)] # tokenize words, without punctuation
corpus.append(words) # all words of one manifesto, in reading order
s = sent_tokenize(lines)
sentences[manifesto] = s
files.append(manifesto) # list of filenames
print('*txt files loaded*')
return files, corpus, sentences
def create_index():
files, corpus, sentences = load_text_files()
index = {}
# index = {
# Fem manifesto : {
# 'words' : {
# 'aap': 39.2,
# 'beer': 20.456,
# 'citroen': 3.21
# }
# 'tf' : {
# 'aap': 4,
# 'beer': 6,
# 'citroen': 2
# }
# 'idf' : {
# 'aap': 4,
# 'beer': 6,
# 'citroen': 2
# }
# }
# }
for i, words in enumerate(corpus):
manifesto = files[i]
index[manifesto] = {}
index[manifesto]['sentences'] = sentences[manifesto]
for word in words:
tf_count, idf_count, tfidf_value = tfidf(word, words, corpus)
if 'words' not in index[manifesto]:
index[manifesto]['words'] = {}
index[manifesto]['words'][word] = tfidf_value
if 'tf' not in index[manifesto]:
index[manifesto]['tf'] = {}
index[manifesto]['tf'][word] = tf_count
with open('index.json','w+') as out:
out.write(json.dumps(index, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
print('*index created*')
def load_index():
f = open('index.json').read()
index = json.loads(f)
return index
def request_results(query):
query = query.strip()
f = open('index.json').read()
index = json.loads(f)
files = [manifesto for manifesto, _ in index.items()]
results = {}
# results = {
# 0 : {
# 'name' : 'Fem_manifesto',
# 'value' : 0.00041,
# 'sentences' : [
# 'This is a first sentence.',
# 'This is a second sentence.',
# 'This is a third sentence.'
# ]
# }
# }
# make a list of manifesto's that use the query word
result_matches = []
for manifesto, _ in index.items():
for word, value in index[manifesto]['words'].items():
if query == word:
tf = index[manifesto]['tf'][word]
total = len(index[manifesto]['words'])
sentences = index[manifesto]['sentences']
result_matches.append([value, manifesto, tf, total, sentences])
for x, result in enumerate(result_matches):
results[x] = {}
results[x]['tfidf'] = result[0]
results[x]['name'] = result[1]
results[x]['tf'] = result[2]
results[x]['total'] = result[3]
results[x]['sentences'] = result[4]
# make a list of sentences that contain the query word
# and shape results object
for x, manifesto in results.items():
value = manifesto['tfidf'] * 50000
result_sentences = []
# count = 0
for s in manifesto['sentences']:
done = 'no'
for word in tokenizer.tokenize(s):
if word == query:
# if count < 3: # set to include a max 3 results/manifesto in the results list
# count += 1
if done is not 'yes':
sentence = re.sub(r'[ .,;/\\*]'+query+r'[ ,.;/\\*]', '<strong style="font-size:{}%;"> {} </strong>'.format(100 + value, query), s)
html = Markup(sentence)
# if count == 3:
# html = html + Markup('<div id="more">(...)<sup>*</sup></div>')
done = 'yes'
results[x]['sentences'] = result_sentences
print('*results returned*')
return results, files
def request_ordered():
f = open('index.json').read()
index = json.loads(f)
files = [manifesto for manifesto, _ in index.items()]
results = {}
for manifesto, _ in index.items():
words = sorted([[value, word] for word, value in index[manifesto]['words'].items()], reverse=True)
results[manifesto] = words
return results, files
def request_ordered_all():
f = open('index.json').read()
index = json.loads(f)
files = [manifesto for manifesto, _ in index.items()]
results = []
i = 0
for manifesto, _ in index.items():
for word, value in index[manifesto]['words'].items():
results.append([value, word, i])
i += 1
results = sorted(results)
return results, files