all: run
python3 -m venv venv
./venv/bin/pip3 install jinja2
./venv/bin/pip3 install markupsafe==2.0.1
./venv/bin/python3 -m http.server
update: wiki
# ---
# update the materials from the wiki, save it as Unfolded.html
./venv/bin/python3 update.py
@echo "Pulling updates from the wiki: Unfolded (wiki) --> Unfolded.html (file)"
# ---
# multistamp Multi Remix on top of the pdf
@pdfunite multi-remix/multi-remix.pdf multi-remix/multi-remix-empty.pdf multi-remix/multi-remix.pdf multi-remix/multi-remix-empty.pdf multi-remix/multi-remix-stamp.pdf
@pdftk Unfolded.pdf multistamp multi-remix/multi-remix-stamp.pdf output Unfolded-with-Multi.pdf
interior: multi
# ---
# take cover out of the PDF (only select pages 3-338 + 2 extra white pages)
@pdftk Unfolded-with-Multi.pdf cat 3-342 output Unfolded-interior.pdf
# ---
# multistamp Multi Remix on top of the pdf
@pdfunite multi-remix/multi-remix-web.pdf multi-remix/multi-remix-empty.pdf multi-remix/multi-remix-web.pdf multi-remix/multi-remix-empty.pdf multi-remix/multi-remix-web-stamp.pdf
@pdftk Unfolded.pdf multistamp multi-remix/multi-remix-web-stamp.pdf output Unfolded-with-Multi.pdf
# ---
# taking out the extra 2 empty pages
@pdftk Unfolded-with-Multi.pdf cat 1-340 343-344 output Unfolded-web.pdf
# ---
# resizing the web PDF
@sh resample.sh Unfolded-web.pdf 300
@mv Unfolded-web-resampled.pdf Unfolded-web.pdf
# ---
# taking only the cover page from the PDF
@pdftk Unfolded-web.pdf cat 1 output Unfolded-cover-web.pdf
# ---
# turning the cover into CMYK
@sh rgb2cmyk.sh Unfolded-cover-web.pdf overprint
# ---
# saving the cover as PNG file
@pdftoppm Unfolded-cover-web-CMYK.pdf -png Unfolded-cover-web-CMYK
# ---
# upload Paged.js preview to the Varia server
scp -r Unfolded.html css js fonts varia:public_html/volumetric-regimes/
# ---
# upload the images folder to the Varia server
scp -r images varia:public_html/volumetric-regimes/
# ---
# upload interior PDF to the Varia server
./tools/resample Unfolded-interior.pdf 150
scp Unfolded-interior-resampled.pdf varia:public_html/volumetric-regimes/Unfolded.pdf
@echo "Uploaded to: https://vvvvvvaria.org/~mb/volumetric-regimes/Unfolded.pdf"