
156 lines
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2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
import urllib.request
import os
import re
import json
import jinja2
STATIC_FOLDER_PATH = './static' # without trailing slash
def API_request(url, pagename):
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
url = API request url (string)
data = { 'query':
'pages' :
pageid : {
'links' : {
'?' : '?'
'title' : 'pagename'
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
data = json.loads(response)
# Save response as JSON to be able to inspect API call
json_file = f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/{ pagename }.json'
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
print('Saving JSON:', json_file)
with open(json_file, 'w') as out:
out.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
return data
def download_media(html, images):
html = string (HTML)
images = list of filenames (str)
# check if 'images/' already exists
if not os.path.exists(f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/images'):
os.makedirs(f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/images')
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
# download media files
for filename in images:
filename = filename.replace(' ', '_') # safe filenames
# check if the image is already downloaded
# if not, then download the file
if not os.path.isfile(f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/images/{ filename }'):
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
# first we search for the full filename of the image
url = f'{ wiki }/api.php?action=query&list=allimages&aifrom={ filename }&format=json'
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
data = json.loads(response)
# we select the first search result
# (assuming that this is the image we are looking for)
image = data['query']['allimages'][0]
# then we download the image
image_url = image['url']
image_filename = image['name']
print('Downloading:', image_filename)
image_response = urllib.request.urlopen(image_url).read()
# and we save it as a file
image_path = f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/images/{ image_filename }'
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
out = open(image_path, 'wb')
import time
time.sleep(3) # do not overload the server
# replace src link
image_path = f'/{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/images/{ filename }' # here the images need to link to the / of the domain, for flask :/// confusing! this breaks the whole idea to still be able to make a local copy of the file
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
html = re.sub(rf'src="/book/images/.*{ filename }"', f'src="{ image_path }"', html)
return html
def clean_up(html):
html = string (HTML)
html = re.sub(r'\[.*edit.*\]', '', html) # remove the [edit]
html = re.sub(r'href="/book/index.php\?title=', 'href="#', html) # remove the internal wiki links
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
return html
def parse_page(pagename, wiki):
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
pagename = string
html = string (HTML)
parse = f'{ wiki }/api.php?action=parse&page={ pagename }&pst=True&format=json'
data = API_request(parse, pagename)
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
# print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
if 'parse' in data:
html = data['parse']['text']['*']
images = data['parse']['images']
html = download_media(html, images)
html = clean_up(html)
html = None
return html
def save(html, pagename, publication_unfolded):
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
html = string (HTML)
pagename = string
if html:
# save final page that will be used with PagedJS
template_file = open(f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/local/template.html').read()
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
template = jinja2.Template(template_file)
html = template.render(publication_unfolded=publication_unfolded, title=pagename)
html_file = f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/{ pagename }.html'
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
print('Saving HTML:', html_file)
with open(html_file, 'w') as out:
# save extra html page for debugging
template_file = open(f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/local/template.inspect.html').read()
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
template = jinja2.Template(template_file)
html = template.render(publication_unfolded=publication_unfolded, title=pagename)
html_file = f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/{ pagename }.inspect.html'
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
print('Saving HTML:', html_file)
with open(html_file, 'w') as out:
def update_material_now(pagename, wiki):
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
pagename = string
publication_unfolded = string (HTML)
publication_unfolded = parse_page(pagename, wiki)
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
return publication_unfolded
# ---
if __name__ == "__main__":
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00
wiki = 'https://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/book' # remove tail slash '/'
pagename = 'Unfolded'
publication_unfolded = update_material_now(pagename, wiki) # download the latest version of the page
save(publication_unfolded, pagename, publication_unfolded) # save the page to file
2021-06-16 16:46:25 +02:00