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2021-12-03 00:11:42 +01:00
* @license Hyphenopoly_Loader 4.12.0 - client side hyphenation
* ©2021 Mathias Nater, Güttingen (mathiasnater at gmail dot com)
* https://github.com/mnater/Hyphenopoly
* Released under the MIT license
* http://mnater.github.io/Hyphenopoly/LICENSE
/* globals Hyphenopoly:readonly */
((w, d, H, o) => {
"use strict";
* Shortcut for new Map
* @param {any} init - initialiser for new Map
* @returns {Map}
const mp = (init) => {
return new Map(init);
* Sets default properties for an Object
* @param {object} obj - The object to set defaults to
* @param {object} defaults - The defaults to set
* @returns {object}
const setDefaults = (obj, defaults) => {
if (obj) {
o.entries(defaults).forEach(([k, v]) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection
obj[k] = obj[k] || v;
return obj;
return defaults;
const store = sessionStorage;
const scriptName = "Hyphenopoly_Loader.js";
const lcRequire = mp();
const shortcuts = {
"ac": "appendChild",
"ce": "createElement",
"ct": "createTextNode"
* Set H.cf (Hyphenopoly.clientFeatures) either by reading out previously
* computed settings from sessionStorage or creating a template object.
* This is in an iife to keep complexity low.
(() => {
if (H.cacheFeatureTests && store.getItem(scriptName)) {
H.cf = JSON.parse(store.getItem(scriptName));
H.cf.langs = mp(H.cf.langs);
} else {
H.cf = {
"langs": mp(),
"pf": false
* Set H.paths and some H.s (setup) fields to defaults or
* overwrite with user settings.
* These is an iife to keep complexity low.
(() => {
const thisScript = d.currentScript.src;
const maindir = thisScript.slice(0, (thisScript.lastIndexOf("/") + 1));
const patterndir = maindir + "patterns/";
H.paths = setDefaults(H.paths, {
H.s = setDefaults(H.setup, {
"CORScredentials": "include",
"hide": "all",
"selectors": {".hyphenate": {}},
"timeout": 1000
// Change mode string to mode int
H.s.hide = ["all", "element", "text"].indexOf(H.s.hide);
* Copy required languages to local lcRequire (lowercaseRequire) and
* eventually fallbacks to local lcFallbacks (lowercaseFallbacks).
* This is in an iife to keep complexity low.
(() => {
const fallbacks = mp(o.entries(H.fallbacks || {}));
o.entries(H.require).forEach(([lang, wo]) => {
lcRequire.set(lang.toLowerCase(), {
"fn": fallbacks.get(lang) || lang,
* Create deferred Promise
* Kudos to http://lea.verou.me/2016/12/resolve-promises-externally-with-
* this-one-weird-trick/
* @return {promise}
const defProm = () => {
let res = null;
let rej = null;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
res = resolve;
rej = reject;
promise.resolve = res;
promise.reject = rej;
return promise;
let stylesNode = null;
* Define function H.hide.
* This function hides (state = 1) or unhides (state = 0)
* the whole document (mode == 0) or
* each selected element (mode == 1) or
* text of each selected element (mode == 2) or
* nothing (mode == -1)
* @param {integer} state - State
* @param {integer} mode - Mode
H.hide = (state, mode) => {
if (state === 0) {
if (stylesNode) {
} else {
const vis = "{visibility:hidden!important}";
stylesNode = d[shortcuts.ce]("style");
let myStyle = "";
if (mode === 0) {
myStyle = "html" + vis;
} else {
o.keys(H.s.selectors).forEach((sel) => {
if (mode === 1) {
myStyle += sel + vis;
} else {
myStyle += sel + "{color:transparent!important}";
const tester = (() => {
let fakeBody = null;
return {
* Append fakeBody with tests to document
* @returns {Object|null} The body element or null, if no tests
"ap": () => {
if (fakeBody) {
return fakeBody;
return null;
* Remove fakeBody
* @returns {undefined}
"cl": () => {
if (fakeBody) {
* Create and append div with CSS-hyphenated word
* @param {string} lang Language
* @returns {undefined}
"cr": (lang) => {
if (H.cf.langs.has(lang)) {
fakeBody = fakeBody || d[shortcuts.ce]("body");
const testDiv = d[shortcuts.ce]("div");
const ha = "hyphens:auto";
testDiv.lang = lang;
testDiv.style.cssText = `visibility:hidden;-webkit-${ha};-ms-${ha};${ha};width:48px;font-size:12px;line-height:12px;border:none;padding:0;word-wrap:normal`;
* Checks if hyphens (ev.prefixed) is set to auto for the element.
* @param {Object} elm - the element
* @returns {Boolean} result of the check
const checkCSSHyphensSupport = (elmStyle) => {
const h = elmStyle.hyphens ||
elmStyle.webkitHyphens ||
return (h === "auto");
H.res = {
"he": mp()
const fw = mp();
* Load hyphenEngines
* Make sure each .wasm is loaded exactly once, even for fallbacks
* fw: fetched wasm (maps filename to language)
* he: hyphenEngines (maps lang to wasm and counter)
* c (counter) is needed in Hyphenopoly.js to decide
* if wasm needs to be cloned
* @param {string} lang The language
* @returns {undefined}
const loadhyphenEngine = (lang) => {
const filename = lcRequire.get(lang).fn + ".wasm";
H.cf.pf = true;
H.cf.langs.set(lang, "H9Y");
if (fw.has(filename)) {
const hyphenEngineWrapper = H.res.he.get(fw.get(filename));
hyphenEngineWrapper.c = true;
H.res.he.set(lang, hyphenEngineWrapper);
} else {
"w": w.fetch(H.paths.patterndir + filename, {"credentials": H.s.CORScredentials})
fw.set(filename, lang);
lcRequire.forEach((value, lang) => {
if (value.wo === "FORCEHYPHENOPOLY" || H.cf.langs.get(lang) === "H9Y") {
} else {
const testContainer = tester.ap();
if (testContainer) {
testContainer.querySelectorAll("div").forEach((n) => {
if (checkCSSHyphensSupport(n.style) && n.offsetHeight > 12) {
H.cf.langs.set(n.lang, "CSS");
} else {
const he = H.handleEvent;
if (H.cf.pf) {
H.res.DOM = new Promise((res) => {
if (d.readyState === "loading") {
"once": true,
"passive": true
} else {
const hide = H.s.hide;
if (hide === 0) {
H.hide(1, 0);
if (hide !== -1) {
H.timeOutHandler = w.setTimeout(() => {
H.hide(0, null);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.info(scriptName + " timed out.");
}, H.s.timeout);
H.res.DOM.then(() => {
if (hide > 0) {
H.hide(1, hide);
// Load main script
const script = d[shortcuts.ce]("script");
script.src = H.paths.maindir + "Hyphenopoly.js";
H.hy6ors = mp();
H.cf.langs.forEach((langDef, lang) => {
if (langDef === "H9Y") {
H.hy6ors.set(lang, defProm());
H.hy6ors.set("HTML", defProm());
H.hyphenators = new Proxy(H.hy6ors, {
"get": (target, key) => {
return target.get(key);
"set": () => {
// Inhibit setting of hyphenators
return true;
(() => {
if (he && he.polyfill) {
} else {
(() => {
if (he && he.tearDown) {
w.Hyphenopoly = null;
(() => {
if (H.cacheFeatureTests) {
store.setItem(scriptName, JSON.stringify(
"langs": [...H.cf.langs.entries()],
"pf": H.cf.pf
})(window, document, Hyphenopoly, Object);