Browse Source

added item inventory links + fast loader mode

manetta 3 years ago
  1. 56
  2. 56


@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ import jinja2
STATIC_FOLDER_PATH = '.' # without trailing slash
# This uses a low quality copy of all the images
# (using a folder with the name "images-small",
# which stores a copy of all the images generated with:
# $ mogrify -quality 5% -adaptive-resize 25% -remap pattern:gray50 * )
fast = False
def API_request(url, pagename):
url = API request url (string)
@ -135,22 +141,37 @@ def add_item_inventory_links(html):
html = string (HTML)
# Find all references in the text to the item index
pattern = r'Item \d\d\d'
matches = re.findall(pattern, html)
index = {}
new_html = ''
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
for line in sent_tokenize(html):
for match in matches:
if match in line:
number = match.replace('Item ', '').strip()
if not number in index:
index[number] = []
count = 1
count = index[number][-1] + 1
item_id = f'ii-{ number }-{ index[number][-1] }'
line = line.replace(match, f'Item <a id="{ item_id }" href="#Item_Index">{ number }</a>')
# the line is pushed back to the new_html
new_html += line + ' '
# Also add a <span> around the index nr to style it
matches = re.findall(r'<li>\d\d\d', new_html)
for match in matches:
number = match.replace('Item ', '').strip()
if not number in index:
index[number] = []
count = 1
count = index[number][-1] + 1
item_id = f'{ number }-{ index[number][-1] }'
html = html.replace(match, f'Item <a id="{ item_id }" href="#Item_Index">{ number }</a>')
import json
print(json.dumps(index, indent=4))
return html
new_html = new_html.replace(match, f'<li><span class="item_nr">{ match }</span>')
# import json
# print(json.dumps(index, indent=4))
return new_html
def clean_up(html):
@ -162,6 +183,16 @@ def clean_up(html):
html = re.sub(r'(?<=\d)&#93;', '', html) # remove right footnote bracket ]
return html
def fast_loader(html):
html = string (HTML)
if fast == True:
html = html.replace('/images/', '/images-small/')
print('--- rendered in FAST mode ---')
return html
def parse_page(pagename, wiki):
pagename = string
@ -177,6 +208,7 @@ def parse_page(pagename, wiki):
html = clean_up(html)
html = add_item_inventory_links(html)
# html = insert_variable_geometry(html)
html = fast_loader(html)
html = None


@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ import jinja2
STATIC_FOLDER_PATH = './static' # without trailing slash
WRAPPING_TEMPLATES_DIR = './wrapping-templates'
# This uses a low quality copy of all the images
# (using a folder with the name "images-small",
# which stores a copy of all the images generated with:
# $ mogrify -quality 5% -adaptive-resize 25% -remap pattern:gray50 * )
fast = False
def API_request(url, pagename):
url = API request url (string)
@ -136,22 +142,37 @@ def add_item_inventory_links(html):
html = string (HTML)
# Find all references in the text to the item index
pattern = r'Item \d\d\d'
matches = re.findall(pattern, html)
index = {}
new_html = ''
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
for line in sent_tokenize(html):
for match in matches:
if match in line:
number = match.replace('Item ', '').strip()
if not number in index:
index[number] = []
count = 1
count = index[number][-1] + 1
item_id = f'ii-{ number }-{ index[number][-1] }'
line = line.replace(match, f'Item <a id="{ item_id }" href="#Item_Index">{ number }</a>')
# the line is pushed back to the new_html
new_html += line + ' '
# Also add a <span> around the index nr to style it
matches = re.findall(r'<li>\d\d\d', new_html)
for match in matches:
number = match.replace('Item ', '').strip()
if not number in index:
index[number] = []
count = 1
count = index[number][-1] + 1
item_id = f'{ number }-{ index[number][-1] }'
html = html.replace(match, f'Item <a id="{ item_id }" href="#Item_Index">{ number }</a>')
import json
print(json.dumps(index, indent=4))
return html
new_html = new_html.replace(match, f'<li><span class="item_nr">{ match }</span>')
# import json
# print(json.dumps(index, indent=4))
return new_html
def clean_up(html):
@ -163,6 +184,16 @@ def clean_up(html):
html = re.sub(r'(?<=\d)&#93;', '', html) # remove right footnote bracket ]
return html
def fast_loader(html):
html = string (HTML)
if fast == True:
html = html.replace('/images/', '/images-small/')
print('--- rendered in FAST mode ---')
return html
def parse_page(pagename, wiki):
pagename = string
@ -178,6 +209,7 @@ def parse_page(pagename, wiki):
html = clean_up(html)
html = add_item_inventory_links(html)
# html = insert_variable_geometry(html)
html = fast_loader(html)
html = None
