3 years ago
10 changed files with 322 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
# Tools used for Volumetric Regimes |
Before you can run these scripts, they will need to be made executable. |
chmod +x *.sh |
## OSP-tools.pdfutils: `color_convert.sh` |
**Convert PDF RGB to only-Black** |
This will convert an RGB PDF (even if it appears only black) to `input-K.pdf`. |
./color_convert.sh black input.pdf input-K.pdf |
Link: <http://osp.kitchen/tools/pdfutils/> |
## OSP-tools.pdfutils: `rgb2cmyk.sh` |
**Convert PDF from RGB to CMYK** |
Dependencies: |
- `gs` (Ghostscript) |
- `pdftops` |
- `control.txt` |
- `apple_to_jNP_photo.icc` |
- `apple_to_jNP_neutral.icc` |
This will convert a PDF to `input-cmyk.pdf`. |
Usage: |
./rgb2cmyk.sh input.pdf |
Link: <http://osp.kitchen/tools/pdfutils/> |
## Custom VR tools: `make-images-bw.sh` |
Dependencies: |
- `imagemagick` |
This will create a copy of an image folder, with all images converted to BW. |
Usage: |
./make-images-bw.sh ./images-folder/ |
## Custom VR tools: `convert-to-PDFX-3-2002.sh` |
Dependencies: |
- `texlive-xetex` (xelatex) |
This will convert a PDF into the PDFX/3:2002 format + edit the PDF metadata. |
Edit PDF metadata: |
Open the xelatex template (`xelatex-PDFX-3-2002.template.tex`) and edit the metadata on line 7-12. |
Usage: |
convert-to-PDFX-3-2002.sh input.pdf output.pdf |
## Other useful tools |
- Check metadata of PDF: `pdfinfo filename.pdf` |
- Check color space of PDF: `pdfimages -list filename.pdf` |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# |
# USAGE: |
# ./color_convert.sh colormodelayer1,colormodelayer2 input_layer1.pdf,input_layer2.pdf output.pdf |
# spot colour colormode should look like "spot-COLOR NAME-0 0.64 0.67 0.02" |
# where COLOR NAME is the name of the colour and 0 0.64 0.67 0.02 are cmyk values from 0 to 1 |
DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) |
function graytospot { |
[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "converting : $1 to $2 \n" |
#################################################################### |
#part1: let's put our custom color reference in gray_to_spot.ps |
IFS='-' read -a args <<< "$2" |
IFS=' ' read -a color <<< "${args[2]}" |
unset IFS |
#args[1] = color name, args[2] = cmyk equivalent in 1 line |
#color[0] = C, color[1] = M, color[2] = Y, color[3] = K |
spotcolor="\/spotcolor [\/Separation (${args[1]}) \/DeviceCMYK{dup ${color[0]} mul exch dup ${color[1]} mul exch dup ${color[2]} mul exch ${color[3]} mul}] def" |
[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "spotcolor : $spotcolor \n" |
sed -i "s/^\/spotcolor.*$/$spotcolor/g" $DIR/gray_to_spot.ps |
#endpart1 |
###################################################################### |
#part2: convert to ps file using pdftops |
pdftops "$1" |
psfile="${1/.pdf/.ps}" |
###################################################################### |
#part3: modify bitmap decode from [0 1] to [1 0] in generated ps |
sed -i -e 's/Decode \[0 1\]/Decode [1 0]/g' "$psfile" |
###################################################################### |
#part4: convert back to pdf using gray_to_spot.ps |
gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="$1" $DIR/gray_to_spot.ps "$psfile" |
###################################################################### |
#part5: remove ps file |
[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ] && rm "$psfile" |
} |
IFS=',' read -a layers <<< "$1" |
IFS=',' read -a input_files <<< "$2" |
unset IFS |
if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then echo "layers : \n"; printf '%s\n' "${layers[@]}"; fi |
if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then echo "files : \n"; printf '%s\n' "${input_files[@]}"; fi |
#loop on files and convert them according to layers colormodes |
for index in "${!layers[@]}" |
do |
echo "${input_files[index]} ${layers[index]}" |
if [ "${layers[index]}" = "black" ] || [[ "${layers[index]}" == spot* ]]; then |
gs \ |
-dBATCH \ |
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ |
-sProcessColorModel=DeviceGray \ |
-sColorConversionStrategy=Gray \ |
-sDefaultCMYKProfile=ps_cmyk.icc \ |
-dOverrideICC \ |
-sOutputFile="${input_files[index]/.pdf/-tmp.pdf}" "${input_files[index]}" |
if [[ "${layers[index]}" == spot* ]]; then |
graytospot "${input_files[index]/.pdf/-tmp.pdf}" "${layers[index]}" |
fi |
elif [ "${layers[index]}" = "cmyk" ]; then |
gs \ |
-dBATCH \ |
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ |
-dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK \ |
-sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK \ |
-sDefaultCMYKProfile=ps_cmyk.icc \ |
-dOverrideICC \ |
-sOutputFile="${input_files[index]/.pdf/-tmp.pdf}" "${input_files[index]}" |
fi |
if [ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]; then |
rm "${input_files[index]}" |
fi |
done |
if [ ${#layers[@]} = 1 ]; then |
mv "${input_files[0]/.pdf/-tmp.pdf}" "$3" |
exit |
fi |
inputFile="${input_files[0]/.pdf/-tmp.pdf}" |
for(( i=1; i < ${#layers[@]}; i++ )) |
do |
pdftk "$inputFile" multistamp "${input_files[i]/.pdf/-tmp.pdf}" output "${3/.pdf/$i.pdf}" |
if [ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]; then |
rm "$inputFile" |
rm "${input_files[i]/.pdf/-tmp.pdf}" |
fi |
inputFile="${3/.pdf/$i.pdf}" |
done |
lastFileN=$(expr ${#layers[@]} - 1) |
mv "${3/.pdf/$lastFileN.pdf}" "$3" |
echo "done" |
exit |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
Image_RGB apple_to_jNP_photo.icc 0 1 0 |
Graphic_RGB apple_to_jNP_neutrals.icc 0 1 0 |
Text_RGB apple_to_jNP_neutrals.icc 0 1 0 |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
# Read first argument from command line: input folder name |
# Make a tmp copy of the tex template with the input PDF filename |
sed "s/XXX/$INPUT_PDF/g" xelatex-PDFX-3-2002.template.tex > xelatex-PDFX-3-2002.tmp.tex |
# Run xelatex to convert the PDF to PDFX/3:2002 |
xelatex xelatex-PDFX-3-2002.tmp.tex |
# Rename the output PDF |
mv xelatex-PDFX-3-2002.tmp.pdf $OUTPUT_PDF |
# Remove the tmp tex files |
rm xelatex-PDFX-3-2002.tmp.* |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
# Read first argument from command line: input folder name |
# Only make an output folder if it does not exist yet |
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR |
for IMG in $(ls $INPUT_DIR); do |
echo "$INPUT_DIR/$IMG ---> $OUTPUT_DIR/$IMG" && convert $INPUT_DIR/$IMG -colorspace Gray $OUTPUT_DIR/$IMG; |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
#! /bin/bash |
# USAGE: |
# ./rgb2cmyk.sh input.pdf |
# ./rgb2cmyk.sh input.pdf overprint |
# input-cmyk.pdf |
# input-cmyk-op.pdf (in case of overprint) |
bn=$(basename $1 ".pdf") |
op=${2:-knockout} |
gs -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o ${bn}-CMYK.pdf -sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK -sSourceObjectICC=control.txt $1 |
if [ $op == overprint ] |
then |
pdftops -level2sep ${bn}-CMYK.pdf |
sed -e "s/false \(op\)/true \1/gI" ${bn}-CMYK.ps > ${bn}-CMYK-op.ps |
#gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=${bn}-CMYK-op.pdf ./forceblack.ps ${bn}-CMYK-op.ps |
gs -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o ${bn}-CMYK-op.pdf -sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK -sSourceObjectICC=control.txt ${bn}-CMYK-op.ps |
rm ${bn}-CMYK.pdf |
rm ${bn}-CMYK.ps |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ |
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Reference in new issue