2022-06-27 22:04:34 +02:00

1172 lines
30 KiB

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/* The Extended Trans*feminist Rendering Program */
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/* Comprehensive Features */
display: none;
div.toc ul:nth-of-type(4) li:nth-of-type(3) {
/* somatopologies: a guided tour II */
display: none;
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/* ----> ✶ <--- */
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margin-top: 0 !important;
/* exception for bugged report h3 above notes */
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margin-top: -18px !important;
/* exception for fragility of life h3 above notes */
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p.image + p,
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h2 + p,
h2 + p + p + blockquote + p,
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div.contribution h2 + p + div.thumb,
h3 + p,
div.thumb + p,
div.portrait + p,
h4 + p,
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