2.4 KiB

Title: Varia Curriculum: Considerate Cake Confectionary Date: 2018-10-11 Category: curriculum tags: cake lang: en Event_start: 2018-10-11 10:00 event_duration: 8h featured_image: /images/Cake.jpg

In our understanding, food as a commodity finds its most revealing expression in the form of the cake. In this workshop we investigate the history of culinary hegemony by collectively baking a specific sweet recipe that showcases the way we perceive and partake in food today. Not only will we be analysing the origins of specific ingredients and recipes, we will also focus on the political economy and class dynamics that engender taste and ingredient accessibility. The actual confection of this cake will provide us with an opportunity to hack into the requirments involved in such practices and turn the table around.

The workshop will be divided into two practical phases: the recipe analysis phase and the cake baking phase. During the recipe analysis phase we will be looking at each of the required ingredients of our cake of choice and evaluate whether they meet our 'considerate' standards. If they don't, we will consider possible alternatives. During the cake baking phase participants will actually bake the cake, according to our new considerate recipe.

The considerate cake confectionary is an initiative by Lídia Pereira and Niek Hilkmann.

Varia curriculum

This workshop is organised in the context of the very first series of the Varia curriculum, developed in collaboration with the 3rd year minor "Hacking" of the Autonomous practices from the Willem de Kooning Academy (WdKA) in Rotterdam. The curriculum is an ongoing series of workshops in which participants are introduced to technical, theoretical and methodological skills at the basis of the various practices that live within Varia. These are short intensive master-classes or workshops aimed towards providing high level introductions as a basis for further explorations [laten zelf studie niet teveel promoten ;)].

Would you like to join this workshop? Please send us a short email on the info[a] email address at [date] the latest! The workshop is open to 10 students from the WdKA and 5 external participants.

Varia, Gouwstraat 3 (Rotterdam Charlois) [date], 10:00h - 18:00h (We will break for lunch between 13:00h and 14:00h) 💶 50 euros, coffee, tea and cookies included 🗫 The workshop will be conducted in English